One Hundred and Thirty-Eighth Visitation of Our Lady
September 25, 2010 Last Saturday of September Larose, La.
Claire Rose received and wrote: Today is a beautiful day! It is sunny but there is a cool breeze. It feels like the beginning of fall. In obedience to Our Mother, we are in Larose this Priest’s Saturday! We are blessed by the presence of two holy priests, one Religious Brother and about 150 pilgrims. Our Mother has been here since early this morning. There are many holy angels surrounding and all over this holy place. I believe today especially that in many of the places where the brides are gathering to pray, maybe all of the places, that Our Mother’s Presence is going to be strongly felt. Both of the priests heard Confessions. About 12:30 p.m. we prayed Stations of the Cross. Then we prayed the Chaplet of Divine Love for Priests that Our Mother has given to us. Before Holy Mass, Our Mother asked me to tell everyone that She is present.
At 2:00 p.m. Holy Mass began. Our Mother was present with us during Holy Mass without Her Crown. After Mass, Father led us in prayers for healing. Then the Sacrament of the Sick was given to those who were ill. Then we prayed a 5 decade Rosary.
Our Mother Speaks: “Please pray the Luminous Mysteries. Please announce that I am present with you.”
First Luminous Mystery, The Baptism of Jesus, Our Mother continues:
“My Precious and most Beloved Priest Son, O how I love you! I love you! I love you!”
I was then given a most beautiful experience. As Our Mother began to speak to Her Priest Sons today I had an experience that I don’t recall ever having this depth of profoundness before and I began to feel just very overwhelmed and I didn’t know what was happening to me. Our Mother explained to me in Her beautiful way that She does, that She was allowing me to feel some of the LOVE that She has for Her priest sons. I almost couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to just pass away! I was taken into the deepest most overwhelming LOVE that I have ever felt. I wanted to just absorb this gift and pass away to Heaven! I felt weak. I did not really know what was happening to me until I was brought back and Our Mother gave to me the understanding of what I had received. Our Mother explained that I was being allowed to feel Her Love for priests! I know that this is a poor explanation of such a profound experience. Without extra Grace, I (my humanity) could not have lived through this moment.
Our Mother continued: “J’ai taime! J’ai taime! J’ai taime beacoups! My beloved priest sons I thank you for your daily ‘YES!’ I thank you for hearing the Confessions of My beloved children. I thank you for offering Holy Mass here today, for the benefit of My children, for the benefit of all of My priest sons, from Our Holy Father, His Holiness Benedict XVI to the newly ordained priest. O My beloved priest sons, I love you and I thank you! I have come to earth to speak to you through a small and wounded heart.”
Our Mother asks me to look above and beyond Her. She then shows me the multitudes of Holy Angels and Saints who accompany Her. I see Holy Father, John Paul II, Pope Pius X, other Popes, Padre Pio, Mother Theresa of Calcutta and St. Therese`, the little flower. There were a lot of priests very near to Our Mother.
Our Mother continues: “My beloved and precious religious brothers and sisters, I love you! I treasure you! I am with you wherever you are!”
Fourth Luminous Mystery, The Transfiguration, Our Mother continues: “Thank you, My priest son for using the gift of healing that has been given you, for My priest sons and all of My children. My beloved priest sons and all of My children, I love you! I encourage you today, I plead with you today, OPEN YOUR HEARTS TO YOUR MOTHER IN FULLNESS! It is God’s desire to heal you and to set you free of all that troubles you, all that wounds you! Free from all illness, all brokenness, free from all sin! O My children I have come to earth to teach you to love. I have come to bring you love from Heaven. O My children, Holy Confession is Divine Mercy! Holy Communion is Divine Love! I come to teach you to love one another. Divine Order must reign in your lives, My priest sons and all of My children.
This world has become so corrupt. O My children Today I pour out Divine Grace into your souls and hearts. This Grace is needed to allow you to continue to keep your hearts, your souls your minds open to Divine Love! I have spoken much to you My children. The time to change your lives is NOW!
The Time of Mercy that has overflowed upon the earth will come to an end.
O My priest sons and all of My children, I plead with you to love one another with the Pure Love that reigns in Heaven. Pure Love that is Divine will bring Peace upon the earth and will wipe away all sin! All sin is a lack of love. Impurity of heart and soul leads to the greatest sins that man can commit against God and one another. O My children, ask Your Mother’s help! I am here to help you to reform your lives. Come home to Your Mother! My priest sons and all of My children I love you! I love you! I love you!
My beloved children, I ask you to pray more, sacrifice more, fast more for My beloved priest sons. I have asked you to fast on Monday and Thursday. Your prayers helped to save the life of Our Holy Father, Benedict XVI when he was in Britain.
O My precious Consecrated brides, I am Your Foundress. I will continue to multiply you to the ends of the earth. You share each day in the mission and ministry of each priest. Seminaries are being cleaned out and are becoming more holy and whole and are becoming more faithful to the Magisterium of Our Beloved Church. Vocations are just beginning to multiply. I encourage you to persevere in holiness in the call I have placed in your hearts. Pray! Pray! Pray! And Pray more for My beloved priest sons. I love you!
Each new person here will receive an Angel of Protection. All will return home safely. I bless you and your families. I bless all of your Religious articles. These must be blessed by a priest.
Thank you for your prayers and your response to My Call to you. When you pray for My priest sons, I pray for all your needs.
I am Mother of all hearts. I have many Titles. I am one Mother, Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests
Fr. D. My beloved priest son, thank you for your guidance and your obedience.
T & J thank you! W & M thank you for the flowers. MA thank you for all that you have done in these 11 and ½ years. Continue!”
When Our Mother said that the Time of Mercy would end She did not mean that God’s Mercy would end for Scripture tells us that God’s Mercy endures forever. I believe She means this time of great Mercy, in spite of the atrocious grievous open sin that is all around us, will end. God is Love and Mercy and He loves us totally, but He has given us Commandments to live by. They are not suggestions to obey only when we want to.
Jesus says, “He who loves Me will obey My Commandments.”
Thirteen made their Consecrations as Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity.
End of Claire Rose________________
Last Saturday of September 2010 continued.......
September 25, 2010 Last Saturday of September Priest’s Saturday
Received by a bride from another area, Lin
We gathered at a bride’s house who has been ill with heart trouble to pray the 20 decade Rosary for priests. The weather has been warm. It is our Indian Summer here. We invited Our Lady under all Her titles, all the Holy Angels and Saints and Souls being made Holy in Purgatory to pray with us and for us for holy priests and for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We had a religious brother visiting with us from Louisiana for this Last Saturday. We started the 20 decade Rosary for priests at 2:00 p.m. Our Lady says, “Let My children know I am here.” I did.
Our Lady is here as Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests. She has Her Crown on with the 7 points. At the end of each point is a small cross. On the front of the Crown is a Chalice and suspended above the Chalice is the Eucharist. Rays of golden white light come out of the Eucharist to all present. Our Mother says, “Oh My children, the golden white rays of light coming out to you all is Grace, Divine Grace! Open your hearts and receive all this grace and love coming to you all. Oh My children, My priest sons, My religious, offer all your sacrifices, prayers and fasting for the entire priesthood. Oh My priest sons open your hearts to receive all this grace and love that is coming out to the entire priesthood. All from this Mission of Love for the priesthood! Grace and Peace and Love beyond your imagination! Receive all My beloved priest sons.
Child of grace, continue to write!
Oh My religious, I thank you for coming to pray with Me for Our beloved priests. I thank you for wearing your habits. It shows My children of your devotion to Jesus and I. You don’t realize how important this is for My children. I commend you My religious! Thank you!”
The Rosary is being prayed in several languages. Our Lady says, “Oh how I love to hear the Rosary prayed in all languages.”
At the Luminous Mysteries
I am taken away to a place of great peace and love! I am not sure how long I was there. When I returned I was most refreshed. Our Lady says, “You will feel refreshed little one. Many here today will feel this refreshment and peace and light! Open your hearts My children and receive all, yes My priests and My religious, it is meant especially for you all. I love you! I love you! I love you all!
L-----, you will be healed one day. Have courage My daughter, have courage. Know that I am with you! The Most Holy Blessed Trinity is with you today and always.
Oh My youth, I call you gently into My Heart, and My Heart lives in the Heart of My Son Jesus. I bring you the love of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity. Open your hearts My youth! Receive what the Most Holy Blessed Trinity wish to give to you, LOVE and GRACE beyond your understanding. Receive all My youth and share it with all around you! You do not know how you might affect another soul who is around you or living close to you! Keep your hearts open My youth for all that God wishes to give you, LOVE – GRACE – PEACE and more! I love you My youth, Oh how I love you! Come to Me for guidance!”
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Lourdes. She has a blue sash at Her Waist. Her Hands are outstretched to all of us! Our Mother Mary says, “Oh My priest sons pray to be Holy. My children need your example of Holiness to be Holy My priest sons! I love you My priest sons! Oh how I love you! Continue to bring My Son Jesus to all My children.”
Our Mother of Sorrow is here. She is all in a deep, deep teal blue mantle and dress. Our Mother is weeping for Her children that are lost! Our Mother Mary says, “Oh My children who are on the wrong path, WAKE UP! Get back on the right path to My Son Jesus! Oh My children, He died for you all on the Cross, a terrible agony! I weep for you My children and I pray for you all! Come back before it is too late! Eternity is forever! Wake up My children! Wake up! My Son Jesus is waiting for you, yes for all of you! It is not too late! Come back! Don’t wait! I love you! I love you! I love you!
Much suffering My children! You will experience this! No one is excused. Pray for your brothers and sisters! Offer all in My Son Jesus’ Name for the priesthood. Much will be accomplished from this. You cannot know how much your prayers accomplish My beloved children, My beloved priest sons, My religious. You can only know and understand when you are with Jesus and I in Heaven! Persevere My children, My priest sons, My religious! Persevere!
I love you My children, My priest sons, My religious! Oh how I love you all! Oh My all the last public message will happen on the last Saturday of October. It is My wish, My wish that my children, My priest sons and My religious continue to meet on the Last Saturday of the Month and pray the 20-decade Rosary for Holy priests, for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. This Mission of Love for the priesthood is just beginning. Listen for Me in your hearts My children, My priests, My religious! Listen to My promptings. I will send inspirations to your hearts. Please listen to your hearts My little ones! Oh My children, My priest sons, My religious, I thank you all for coming to pray with Me for the Holy Priesthood at My request. Oh My all, you form aRIVER of PRAYER for the priesthood from all over the world. A wall of prayer! A wall of love, all for the priesthood. I love you! I love you! I love you all!
M---, thank you for opening your home to Me this special day. I am with you in a special way, as I am with your son in a special way!
Brother M-----, I thank you for your diligence in praying with Me on the Last Saturday for the priesthood. I thank you for wearing your habit. It is such a good example! I love you My son! Oh how I love you!
M-----, My daughter, My faithful daughter, I love you! You are mine! You belong to Me! Persevere in your path to Me and My Son Jesus. As you pray for priests I pray for your family. I love you!
Oh My all, I love you! I am with you! I thank you for praying with Me at My request! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!
Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests, Lady of the Bayou
Thank you My daughter for your obedience in writing at My request.”
End of bride from another area. __________