Last Saturday Prayer for Priests, January 27, 2018
Our Lady Speaks:
“O how I love you! I have come to this small and unknown place that was chosen by Heaven from long ago! I love you! I love you! I love you, My little flock. My little ones I love that you are meek and humble of heart. I come to the lowly ones, My children.”
I am shown a vision of a beautiful vine, green, alive and growing.
Our Lady continues: “Jesus is the Vine, you are the branches. Surrender, Entrust and Consecrate yourselves, your families and your parishes as a gift to God! My precious children, I have come to teach you to live for God. Your life is a gift to you from Our Father, all of life has its source in God. All of life is precious and sacred. All of life is to be protected at all costs. Life begins at the moment of conception. A soul is born at the moment of conception. A soul and a body come together at the moment of conception in what should be the safest place, inside of the body of the child’s mother. The body lives until death. The soul is eternal and lives forever. O My beloved priest sons and all of My children, the souls of the innocents cry out! How many more must be slaughtered in their own mother’s blood? Heaven weeps over this evil. No country that allows this to continue can survive. I thank those who speak out and march against this evil with My whole Heart. I call you all to Pray, Pray, Pray and Pray more. A time of reckoning and atonement is coming upon the earth. I call you to live in holiness and wholeness. Offer your suffering and offer sacrifice for My priest sons who will lead you to holiness. I love you!
“I ask you all to spend as much time as you can in quiet prayer. I am with you My little ones and I am within you. Be at Peace. Pray throughout the day and when I awaken you at night. Some of you are called to prayer throughout the night. When you are working through out the day, as often as you can turn your heart to Heaven and offer a quiet prayer. It can be as short as ‘Jesus, I love you!’ or ‘Come Holy Spirit!’ O My children, only in Heaven will you know the benefit of prayer. Prayer not only helps others to be healed and come closer to God, prayer softens and heals your heart and brings you closer and closer to God. Make your prayer, your heart and your life one of trust in and complete surrender to the Most Holy Blessed Trinity.
I have asked many times that you consecrate your selves, your families, your all, your parishes to My Immaculate Heart. I will take you quickly to the Sacred Heart of My Beloved Son, Jesus! For your Lenten journey, as a preparation for your consecration, I ask you to make a sincere and holy Confession. Pray a sincere holy Act of Contrition. Each and every time you receive Holy Communion become aware of the tremendous gift that God gives to you, the Gift of Himself! Prepare well your hearts and your souls to receive Him! Whisper a silent prayer before you receive: ‘O Jesus, consume me as I consume Thee!’
In the Holy Eucharist, in Holy Communion, My children, the Most Holy Blessed Trinity is totally present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity! Yes, Our God gives to you the total Gift of Himself, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
Thank you for your response to My call.
Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests”
2-28-2018 While watching a program about the early Church in Rome on EWTN, I learned that the vine was an early symbol of the Eucharist.