Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity

March 25, 2017, Saturday

March 25, 2017, Saturday

​Last Saturday Prayer for Priests,  March 25, 2017 

Our Mother Speaks:

"O My beloved priest sons and all of My children, O how I love you! You were created out of love My little ones! Each one of you was created by God with and for a plan and a purpose. Each of you has a special place in God's Plan of Salvation. Our God loves each one of you totally and completely. He has given His All for you, that you may spend eternity with Him...for all eternity. My little ones this requires your response to His Goodness and His Love. 

Our God, the Most Holy Blessed Trinity has sent me to remind you of His Love, to teach you to love God and one another! All Three Persons of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity, Our Father, My Beloved Son, Jesus and My Beloved Spouse, The Holy Spirit call you to holiness and wholeness. I come to you in obedience to Their Call. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added unto you! All good things, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, all will be yours. 

O My little ones, I call you as God calls you to repentance. Let go of all that is in your life that is not holy! Turn to God with all of your heart and soul.The world around you is in disarray, in turmoil, in grave and grievous sin. Our Father is grievously offended by this grave condition of so many, many souls. 

My little remnant who are faithful, I love you! Our Father is counting on you to be holy disciples and by your life of holiness and wholeness, that you will be examples to those who have lost their way. Pray, Pray, Pray and Pray more! I am speaking to your hearts. Pray together as a family, as a community. Remember that where two or more are gathered together in prayer My Son Jesus is Present! And where He is, Our Father is, The Holy Spirit is and I, Your Mother am present. 

Be Converted! Be Converted! Be Converted to holiness and wholeness. Remember St. John the Baptist, My earthly cousin, a great Saint. You are called today as St. John the Baptist was called to pray and fast, to live for God, to plead for holiness as he was sent to announce the Coming of the Messiah, My Beloved Son Jesus. So are you being sent into the world to plead for holiness, to announce the Presence of My Beloved Son Jesus in fullness in the Most Holy Blessed Sacrament. 

O My children, My priest sons, come to Your Mother and I will take you quickly to My Beloved Son Jesus. Strive each moment of each day to become holy, in your home, in your workplace, in your parish, wherever you go. Your bodies are living tabernacles where the Most Holy Blessed Trinity dwells, by virtue of your Baptism. 

I ask you to make a holy and sincere Confession. Always remember that God loves you and seeks your love constantly. Ask for sincere repentance when you pray. Turn to Our Father, to Jesus, My Beloved Son and to the Holy Spirit with all of your hearts. Turn to Your Mother and I will help you. I speak to your hearts My priest sons and all of My children.

I was sent to Fatima 100 years ago My children to call you to holiness. Many responded but many did not, the same as today. The state of souls in the world is much worse today My children. Grievous sin is more widespread and public. God's Heart is a Heart of Mercy and of Love, but I must warn you...He will not continue to allow the slaughter of the innocent, the sick and the dying, the killing of My faithful children, the flaunting of sin and evil.

I have asked here for prayer and sacrifice for My priest sons. They have a heavy cross to carry and the responsibility of the souls placed in their charge. My Children you need holy shepherds to lead you to holiness and wholeness. Your prayer and sacrifice for My priest sons is multiplied throughout the world by Heaven. All the Saints, Holy Angels and Holy Souls in Purgatory pray with you and for you! I love you! I love you! I love you!

Thank you for your response to My Call to you. I bless you today with the Grace to persevere in holiness and wholeness. My priests are My Hands in this world. My Hands (My priests) are broken. Please help Me by your lives of prayer and sacrifice, help Me to mend My Hands. My priest sons, My own little lambs! I love each one of you tenderly,  gently and totally with an everlasting love! I am Your Mother, I have many titles, I am one Mother. I am the same Mother who appeared to the shepherd children at Fatima, I am Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests, Mary Immaculate. I am the Immaculate Conception."

At the 5th Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion, I see Our Blessed Mother holding a priest as he is kneeling, crying before The Blessed Sacrament. She is wiping his tears with Her Veil and continues to hold him as a Mother lovingly holds Her child. The priest then becomes a Monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament. The priest became Jesus in Our Mother's Arms! I felt the pain of Jesus' Wounds. I can feel the pain of the priest.

Our Mother continues at the 2nd Glorious Mystery, the Ascension: "What does it profit one who gains the whole world and yet loses his very soul? Carry your crosses in peace, deep joy and with great Love. Embrace your daily Cross, for by the Cross you are healed and set free to become all that God has called you to be!"