April 27, 2019 Last Saturday Day of Prayer for Priests Theriot, Louisiana
Our Mother Speaks:
“Begin to write, My child… Children of My Immaculate Heart, Shepherds and sheep, I love you! I love you! I love you! You have been called and chosen from long ago. From this small and chosen place, I speak to you. You are among the smallest of the small, yet your roots in the Sacred Heart of My Beloved Son Jesus go and are very deep; through many generations, back to France, the eldest daughter of My Beloved Son Jesus’ Church. The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. From this small and unknown place at the edge of the sea, I call all who claim to be Christian to become one again. Be still and listen for My Voice in your souls.
I have come to earth to warn you, to call you to come home. The slaughter of the innocents must stop. My children, Shepherds and sheep, you are in the midst of a great war, the greatest war to ever befall humanity. The greatest war to ever cover the whole earth. The final battles have begun all over the earth. Be alert. Be converted to holiness and wholeness. This war is unlike any that the world has ever known. It is a spiritual war; a war of good and evil. A war for souls, for your souls and the souls of your priests, families and friends. A war for the souls of your leaders, in the Church and in the world.
Evil is multiplying rapidly, very quickly covering the earth. Countries whose Rule of Law were once based upon the Holy Commandments of God are now falling apart; disintegrating, like rotten cloth. Countries that have been greatly blessed by God in the past, have now turned their backs on God, have abandoned Him.
My faithful remnant, I am with you. I will remain with you. I have held back the Hand of Justice of My Beloved Son Jesus for a long time now, almost a century, because of the prayers, the cries, the pleas of My faithful sons and daughters. I encourage you to persevere in holiness, in prayer and in sacrifice. I will remain with you through the time of chastisement, the time of cleansing, the time of renewal and restoration to holiness and wholeness of Our Beloved Church; through the renewal and restoration to holiness and wholeness of Our Beloved priests. Our beloved Church is not a building. Our beloved Church is all of My children, both shepherds and sheep.
This new life begins in each of your hearts and souls. Open wide your hearts and souls to the Call of My Beloved Son, Jesus. He calls each of you to be holy and whole. Repent of your sins. Come to Jesus! Come to Jesus! Come and be made whole and holy again! One Church. One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. As it was in the beginning, it must be One again.
My priests, My sons, Shepherds of souls, you are My Hands and My Heart in this world. The greatest commission has been given to you, the highest calling on the earth. Come home to Your Mother, My sons. The Light of Christ has been placed within your hearts and souls. The Light that beckons souls. Do not let the Light of zeal for souls go out. Be renewed. I love you. I carry you within My Immaculate Heart. Be still and listen for My Voice in your hearts and souls. Be still and listen for the Voice of My Son Jesus in your hearts and souls. Be still and know that God is still seated on His Throne! Simplify your lives. True freedom comes in turning to God with all of your hearts and souls. Remove all that is not of God from your lives, your homes. I love you! I love you! I love you!
Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests”