Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity

Christmas Message, December 25, 2017

Our Mother Speaks:

“My Beloved Children, as the Holy Christmas days are upon you ponder well….

My Beloved Son Jesus’ Birth in a humble and holy place…

He was sent to earth by Our Father out of love for each of you!

Jesus came to earth, out of love for each of you,

Not to lower His Divinity, but to elevate your humanity.

Through His Obedience each of you becomes His sisters and brothers.

Ponder well and deeply within your hearts and souls the true meaning of Jesus’ Birth…

In becoming Jesus’ sisters and brothers, you are Heirs to all that Our Father has…

You are Heirs to the Kingdom of Our Father…

Heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven!

Jesus came to open the Gates of Heaven for all of Our Father’s children.

Each of you is a child of God!

Each of you is an Heir to the Kingdom of Heaven!

You are called to live in holiness.

Love God above all things, with all of your hearts and souls and love one another!

The Gate of Heaven is open for you!

This is the Gift of Christmas!

The Son of God, Jesus, the Christ Child, made flesh, for you!”

December 25, 2017, Christmas Message