Forty-Ninth Visitation of Our Mother
April 26, 2003 Last Saturday of April 2003 Priests' Saturday Theriot, Louisiana
Claire Rose wrote:
April 3, 2003 Father Albert J. Hebert, S.M. my beloved friend and guide since 1987 died from complications after surgery. I shall miss his physical presence and our long phone conversations, but he has been speaking to me since a few hours after his death. I always knew that he was a Saint walking among us even before I met him face to face. I first wrote to him in 1987 after my family & I saw the miracle of the sun here in Theriot. Someone gave me his book, "Three Days of Darkness" just after we saw the miracle and I was led to write him. He sent me other books that he had written and from time to time over the following years he guided me. On many Last Saturdays he sent me messages that he was with us in spirit. This encouraged me greatly. He always believed me from the first time that I contacted him when priests & others did not. His encouragement and friendship helped me to persevere through some very difficult times. I received a message from Our Mother for him on Dec. 23, 2001. Our Mother asked me to deliver it to him in person. I knew that he was very famous and very busy and I had never asked to see him before even though I had been to visit the Church and cemetery where he lived about two hours from Theriot. My ancestors in the 1700's were founders of his parish and some were buried in the cemetery where his body lies today. I let him know that Our Mother had given me some words for him and that I must see him. He was very gracious to receive my husband, a dear friend and myself. He was recovering from surgery. I must tell you I was nervous to be in the presence of such a holy person. He made us feel comfortable right away. After a few minutes of small talk, he held out his hand for the message that I was holding. I said, "O Father I have to obey Our Mother and read this to you." He smiled and closed his eyes. I read Our Mother's words to him. When I finished he opened his eyes and said, "Those words could only come from Our Mother. There's something in there that only Our Mother would say." I was relieved, my job done! Father began to talk and talk. He shared that in a few months he would have to be moving to a smaller place because his Order, the Marists were giving up his parish. He had been there many years. His room was stacked with file cabinets, books and papers. He was very concerned because he had no place to put all his books, files and research papers. He mentioned this several times as we talked. Finally my heart hurting for him, I said, "Father, I know you are worrying about this. We have just met in person, but pray about this, I can help you. We can move and take care of your things. You just have to ask us. Ask Our Mother to guide you." A few days later he called to ask if we could come with some help and a truck or van. So he began letting go of his treasured things and entrusted them to us. We made many loads and of course came to know him better and better. He came to visit us and it was my great joy to cook Cajun food for him. He gave us his permission to name the Library that will be built here after him, the Albert J. Hebert Research Library. It will contain authentic Catholic Church doctrine. The last time he came was the day our roof was scattered with fish. He didn't really like his new place. He was working on two books & there was no space and no quiet. I told him gently it was more suffering for him, more to offer up for priests. We always encouraged one another. We called each other for prayers. On Feb. 23, 2003 I was praying with him on the phone and Our Mother appeared and spoke again to him. This brought him peace. He asked me to write the message & mail it to him. I did. The last time he called me he was going in to the hospital. I got news that he went through his surgery good, the next news I had, my dear friend of my soul and of our mission had died. My husband and I were visiting a priest friend when I got this news. We had planned to go to evening Mass that day but I hurried over to the Church in tears. The children's Mass was about to start. Father Hebert was talking to me as I walked to Church crying. He told me that he is in Heaven with Our Mother and that he is closer to us than we could ever imagine. He said that he will help us from Heaven and that he will stay close to us. I will ask his family's permission to share his words with you. My tears were of sorrow and joy. Less than two days after Father died, on April 5, a group of 16 made their victim soul for priests vows in Pittsburgh, PA including a priest! This brings our number of Consecrated brides to 316. On April 9th, my children brought me to his funeral. We were early. Only two priests and his brother were there. I stood at the foot of his coffin and he looked ten feet tall to me. I was thankful to Our Mother and Jesus to have this quiet time with him. He was dressed in a beautiful vestment and he had shoes on. He looked like a great Saint, his face tilted in total serenity to one side and his hands folded in prayer. He made me think of the pictures I have seen of St. Bernadette. I put a hand on each one of his shoes and said to him, "O Father don't ever leave us. You can't leave us. You have to help us! Please." My heart was hurting even though I knew he was in Heaven and at peace. Another priest friend in Heaven! Several consecrated brides were at his funeral. Father's niece's son, a priest offered Holy Mass for his funeral. Several other priests con-celebrated. Two priests spoke about his life and how he will be missed. His was really a very simple funeral for an extra-ordinary Saint. We drove two hours to bring his beloved body to its final resting-place on the banks of the Great River in the holy little parish where he spent so many years of his life. We placed on his coffin my own Chaplet of Divine Love, the first Chaplet made with our new medal, the one Our Mother asked for with the Holy Trinity on one side and Our Mother Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests on the other. May he rest in peace, forever in God's Arms and Our Mother's Heart. In the month since he died he has worked overtime for us. And I thank him and Our Mother. Before he was buried these things began to arrive in the mail for our order, a Monstrance, a Ciborium, a Chalice, a Paten, a Processional Cross and a Sanctuary lamp to place near a Tabernacle. Almost a year ago a dear friend in Texas was given some bookshelves for the Library. We had never been able to go get them. Two days after Father's funeral someone brought us to pick up the shelves. Also months ago we ordered dirt to raise the surface of the land where the prayer pavilion and outside bathrooms will be built. We have had rain for months. Exactly a week after Father's funeral the dirt man called to say he was bringing the dirt. In 2 and a half days he delivered 65 huge loads of dirt. It is all spread and ready to build on. Talk about miracles! Most of the week before the Last Saturday the weatherman said we would have heavy rain. With fresh dirt all over you can imagine what I prayed. It did not rain a drop. Another miracle! Yes! And the Miracles and gifts from our dear friend Father Hebert are just beginning! Read on.
Today, Last Saturday April 26, 2003 is a beautiful day. The sun is shining and the wind is blowing. The birds are singing and nesting and the flowers are blooming. All the trees are fully clothed in leaves now and the magnolias are starting to bloom. The Confederate Jasmine near the Cross fills the air with sweet perfume. In my garden are roses, calla lilies, petunias, mums, some late iris and a few day lilies. My husband sprinkled holy water in and outside of our house. Pilgrims arrive early. Today we are blessed by two priests, four Religious and two seminarians and about 100 pilgrims. This morning Our Mother asked me to put a tablet and pen in Father's chair. I did. I forgot to tell him. When he arrived he announced that today was the 4th Anniversary of Our Mother's 1st public Visitation here. He told everyone they could gain a Plenary Indulgence by praying the Rosary with us today under the usual conditions. Then he spoke about the Feast of Divine Mercy and the Indulgences that one could gain tomorrow. He invited everyone to his parish for Mass and Veneration of the Divine Mercy image at 3p.m. tomorrow. It will be 10 years that he has been offering a special Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday in his parish. Father then invited everyone to our 11th Anniversary Mass here at 2p.m. on Ascension Thursday, May 29th. There will be a covered dish supper after. Father then heard Confessions for an hour.
At 1:45 we prayed by the Cross with the little children. Today there were only 4 little children, 3 boys and one girl. Just after we made the Sign of the Cross Our Mother came with a strong cool breeze. She was dressed in a pale blue-green Dress and Mantle that flowed in the breeze. Her Dress shimmered and changes colors to pale yellow and pink. "I love you, My little ones. I love you. I love you. I give you My Heart today, My Immaculate Heart." I can see Our Mother holding Her Heart out to us. "I love you so much. I thank you, My little ones. Over and over I tell you I love you and I thank you. I am touching you. I am touching you My child." I see Our Mother touch each child present. There is a little boy sitting on each side of me and one by my feet. "One of you will become a priest, a very holy priest. I love you ALL My little ones." Now Our Lady is speaking to everyone and She is turning to look at all who are standing around the base of the Priest's Cross. "I love you ALL. You are ALL My precious little children, each and every one of you. Precious, precious, I love you. I love you. Please continue to pray each day the three Hail Mary's for Our priests." I asked everyone to please tell Our Mother thank you and we prayed 3 Hail Mary's.
2p.m. I blessed myself, the rooms and everyone present with Holy Water.
Today Our Lady gave us two extra-ordinary gifts. The first (1) gift She inspired our spiritual director to have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as we prayed the Rosary for priests. He had felt inspired to do this and when the Monstrance came in the mail he took it as a confirmation. Father asked everyone to kneel as he brought Jesus into the room where we pray.
The second (2) gift is that Our Mother spoke to Father during the whole Rosary. Each month She has been saying a few words to him. Last month he received a little more. Today he was surprised and could hardly keep up writing as She spoke to him. Our Mother's Words to our priest Spiritual Director follows:
Father writes: Our Mother started to speak to me as soon as Claire Rose began to pray the prayers before the Rosary."Abandon yourself into My Hands so that I may change you into a new creation. I want you and Our priests to be a new creation, to be holy. Do not criticize others or your priests when you see their faults. That is why I have come to this holy place for the conversion of many. I want you to change and become more like My Son. I want you to be in Adoration of My Son. He is here for you. Bring Him all your trials and tribulations. I am here under many Titles for you today. Pray often for your priests, seminarians and Religious. Pray that they may persevere."
First Joyful Mystery, The Annunciation
Our Mother: "May you be filled with Easter joy of Our Risen Lord and Savior! Pray that Our priests may be filled with joy as they minister to My Son's people. May you leap with joy! May your sorrows be turned into joy! Trust in My Son and your life will be blessed with joy in the midst of your sorrow. You will better be able to cope with the difficulties of daily living. Let go of the very things that break you and keep you from coming to My Son. Believe in My Love and My Son's Love for you. My love is so great for you. Rest in Me and My Son. Announce My Easter joy to all. My Son lives and He is with you all the days of your life."
Second Joyful Mystery, The Visitation
Our Mother: "Visit others and bring My Love to others. If only you knew WHO it was that you visit- it is my Son in your neighbor. Greet others with a holy kiss. Your priest is another Christ. May Our seminarians here today persevere. My Hand is upon you. You will be good and holy priests. Know that I Love you and you have been chosen to be Jesus to others. Thank you for coming today. You are a true sign of hope. I am Your Mother of Divine Love."
First Luminous Mystery, The Baptism of Jesus
Our Mother: "Live out your Baptism promises that you renewed on Easter Sunday. Be conscious to choose wisely. Choose My Son over the evil one."
Second Luminous Mystery, The Wedding Feast at Cana
Our Mother: "I bless all marriages today. Live good and holy lives so that your children will mirror you in holiness. It will be from holy families that My future priests will come from. I thank parents who bring their little ones to this holy place. For My Son said, 'Let the little children come unto Me for of such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven.' Children who come here will be blessed in a very special way. Give your children to Me. Do not be afraid. I will take care of them for you. I pour out My special blessing upon you."
Third Luminous Mystery, The Proclamation of the Kingdom
Our Mother: "Go to Confession often and receive My Son's forgiveness. The more you draw closer to My Son, the more you will see your brokeness. My Son loves you deeply and would die all over just for you; so that your sins may be forgiven."
Fourth Luminous Mystery, The Transfiguration of Our Lord
Our Mother: "I want to transform you to something new for My Son. Transformation will come only through conversion. Die to sin in order to be born again. Reflect My Son to all you meet. Take Him into your heart and into your entire being. Consume Him and allow My Son Jesus to consume you in order to transform you."
Fifth Luminous Mystery, The Last Supper, The Eucharist
Our Mother: "My Son is here for you in Adoration with open arms. He waits for you. Go to Adoration and receive My Son in Holy Communion. You will become like My Son. I want all of you to listen to My Voice. I will inform your consciences and lead you to My Son."
First Sorrowful Mystery, The Agony in the Garden
Our Mother: "I want holy priests, not lukewarm ones. Offer prayers daily for holy priests. Offer small sacrifices daily in your workplace. I see all that you do for holy priests. It does not go unnoticed."
Second Sorrowful Mystery, The Scourging at the Pillar
Our Mother: "All your prayers and actions are making a huge difference in the priesthood. I am cleaning house and making My chosen sons more holy; more like My son the high priest."
Third Sorrowful Mystery, The Crowning with Thorns
Our Mother: "I want My priests to speak the Truth. Do not waver from the Truth or water things down. Always speak the Truth even when it is unpopular. The Truth will set My people free. False lies bind up My people and they are far from My Son when they live in darkness. Let the Light of My Son enlighten you to see the Truth."
First Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection
Our Mother: "My Son who is the Light of the world will show you the way, the truth and the life."
Second Glorious Mystery, The Ascension
Our Mother: "Go out and evangelize and bring others to Me and My Son. Bring them to this holy place where I am present at all times. Your lives will be changed for the good. Come often, not only on the Last Saturdays but as often as you can."
Third Glorious Mystery, The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Our Mother: "I will feed you with the finest wheat. Food that will bring you to everlasting life. The world's food perishes but the one I give does not perish. I feed you My Son Jesus, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity."
Fourth Glorious Mystery, The Assumption
Our Mother: "The evil one wants to destroy holy priests and priestly people. Stay close to Me. I am Your Mother who watches over you and protects you. I spread My mantle over you. Rebuke the evil one and put all your trust in My Son. He loves you. I love you. Thank you My priest sons, My Religious Sisters and Brother, My Seminarians and all My priestly people for coming today. Many blessings are bestowed upon you as we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. Trust in My Son for all things. Be poor in spirit and you will receive rich in Heaven."
Fifth Glorious Mystery, The Coronation
Our Mother: "Heaven will be more than you could ever imagine. This will be your reward. I promise and My Promises are true. Behold My Son who loves you. Be on fire for My Son Jesus."
End of priest who is present_____________
Claire Rose writes: What an awesome surprise for all of us including the priest! As I type the above message I am overwhelmed! Father Hebert whispers in my ear, "Why are you surprised?" After years of receiving messages for this priest and others and years of asking Our Mother to please go and speak to them Herself, I should not be surprised, but I am! I am so happy I am overwhelmed with joy! And I have been waiting for many months for Her messages to get shorter. Shows you how much I know, very little! The message that I received follows:
As we began the Rosary Our Mother asked me to announce Her Presence. She came as Mother of Divine Love without Her Crown. She was adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Her Hands were held out to Jesus in complete surrender. Then She folded Her Hands in prayer as She bowed Her Head. Next She crossed Her Hands over Her Heart. Her first words were: "Yes, My son Fr. Albert Hebert is with Me in Heaven, he is here (in Theriot) with you, too."
Second Joyful Mystery, The Visitation
Our Mother begins a message to one of the priests present. She ends this in the Third Joyful Mystery, The Nativity
"My Beloved and most Precious Son, I love you. I love you. I love you. I thank you that you honor My Son today. He is fully Present with you today, BODY, BLOOD, SOUL and DIVINITY, in FULLNESS, through the hands of My priest. Keep your eyes focused on My Son Jesus at all times. He is Alive and Present for you today the same as when I held Him in My Arms after His Holy Birth. O My treasured son I love you that you honor and love My Son and Me Your Immaculate Mother. Thank you for all you do for Me and for your mamma on this earth. Whatever you do for her and for others you do for My Son Jesus and for Me. You do this in Our Names. I love you. I love you. I am blessing you more and more My own son. Much Grace is given you each day. More and more will be added to accomplish God's Will for your life in this Holy Mission. I love you. Thank you for your obedience to My Call."
Fourth Joyful Mystery, The Presentation in the Temple
I prayed as I worshipped Jesus before me "O Jesus, Divine Mercy, O Jesus Divine Love!" over and over.
Fifth Joyful Mystery, The Finding in the Temple
I saw streams of Living Water and Blood flowing from Heaven upon us. I saw Living Divine Mercy and Living Divine Love in streams just pouring upon us. Our Mother said, "Many are being healed and delivered from sickness of mind and soul. Many who are here and those you are praying for and your Petitions."
First Luminous Mystery, The Baptism of Jesus
I prayed, "O purest Love wash us clean, prepare our hearts and souls to receive You in Fullness!"
Our Mother spoke to the other priest present:
"My Beloved priest son, Emile, My Heart leaps with joy as you pray with Me today. I love you My son and I thank you for sharing that I have healed your body here in this little place and that I have restored your ministry. I love you. I have restored your brother priest. Today he is at work for My Son Jesus and for Me."
Second Luminous Mystery, The Wedding at Cana
Our Mother: "My beloved children, Worship and adore My Son Jesus, the Bridegroom. Your Bridegroom is with you My children." Our Mother turned and was looking now directly at one of the priests. She was showering so much Love upon and into him, to heal his heart and soul. She smiled, I saw Her Eyes twinkle!
Third Luminous Mystery, The Proclamation of the Kingdom
Our Mother turned and extended Her Hands and Arms over us all. She spoke:
"My priest sons, I love you. I call you to be holy and pure. You have been chosen to represent My Son Jesus in a very special way. In your hands each day My own Son Jesus comes Alive--in your hands at the Holy Sacrifice of Holy Mass. You are the jewels in My Crown My sons. When My Son Ascended to Heaven He left Himself with His Bride, with His Church through your hands My sons. I fill you with Love from My Son's Heart of Love."
Fourth Luminous Mystery, The Transfiguration
I saw all of Heaven around Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Monstrance. Then Jesus was standing in front of me with His Arms open wide to us. The Sacred Host is His Sacred Wounded Heart of Love. Jesus Spoke: "My Heart is wounded with Love for you, My Bride, My Church, My Shepherds and My sheep. O how I LOVE YOU! I call you. I call you. Do you not hear My Call? Are you so busy that you have no time for Me? Give to Me your hearts. I long to heal you. I long to hold you close in My Arms. I long to forgive you all your sins. I long to heal all your hurts, all your wounds. O My beloved ones, love and forgive one another. I am always awaiting you. Turn to Me. Turn to Me while it is still today. I long for you. I love you. I love you."
Fifth Luminous Mystery, The Last Supper
Jesus continued: "O My Beloved Bride, My Church, I gave my life for you. Will you give your life to ME? I call you to turn away from all that keeps you from Me. Turn away from all that keeps you from living a holy and pure life, a life for Me. I came that you might be saved from hell. I came that you might have life and that you might live your life in joyful abundance. You seek happiness in all the wrong places. You seek pleasure in persons, places and things that are far from Me. I love you. I am here awaiting your return. Come to Me My beloved Bride. I love you."
Our Mother: "My Beloved Seminarians, I love you and I thank you for coming to Your Mother. Bring your brothers to Me. I am blessing your vocation for I have called you."
First Sorrowful Mystery, The Agony in the Garden
Jesus Spoke: "Can you not spend one hour with Me? One hour? Just for Me and for you? I will nourish you My beloved. Be still with Me. Be still and know that I am God."
Second Sorrowful Mystery, The Scourging at the Pillar
Our Mother: "My Beloved Children, I love you. I ask you to love My priest sons. I ask you to pray for them, to encourage, support and defend them, with your life if necessary. They are other Christ's among you My children. Do not talk about them to others. Treat them always with deep respect and with much love. They are weak human vessels, chosen for an extra-ordinary life of sacrifice and of service. They serve and love My Son Jesus by serving and loving you. Be kind and compassionate with them. Their life is not an easy life. Their reward will be in Heaven where they will surround My Son Jesus - as children. Remember My Son's Words, 'Let the little children come unto Me for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.' "
Third Sorrowful Mystery, The Crowning with Thorns
Our Mother: "My holiest priests are those who suffer most. My beloved Church is wounded, broken and bleeding. This is the surest sign that My Church follows in the Footsteps of My Son Jesus. O how I love you! Each time you are rejected, betrayed, falsely accused, lied about, slandered, persecuted for My Son's sake this is a rose for you, a rose for your bridal bouquet. A bouquet of roses you will present to My Son Jesus one day and with His own Hands He will fashion a Crown for your head. O My children, embrace and carry your crosses with love, with ardent love as My Son carried His Cross for you."
Fourth Sorrowful Mystery, The Carrying of the Cross
Our Mother: "Come to Your Mother. Pray for my priest sons with all your hearts. They need your prayers. I need you My children. I love you."
First Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection
Our Mother: "O My children surrender your will to My Son Jesus. Your will is the door to your heart and soul. You pray and ask for Peace yet you want to do your will and not the Will of Our Father. Submit yourselves not only with words My children. Open your hearts that I may soften and heal your hearts, that I may heal your hurts. Conquer your pride. Crucify your flesh. Decide for My Son Jesus. Confess your sins to My beloved priest sons. Seek forgiveness and forgiveness will be yours. Ask and you shall receive. Ask for a truly repentant heart. Peace will follow as your heart is cleansed and purified. I bring Peace to you. I bring you to Peace. Be filled with Love from the Throne of Divine Love, the Holy Blessed Sacrament. Come and Adore. Come and Worship My Son in Fullness. Worship your Living God. My children, All is here in My Son. Where My Son is, Our Father is. Where My Son is, the Holy Spirit is. Do you understand My beloved children? The Holy Blessed Trinity is Present, Fully Present for you. COME! COME AND WORSHIP OUR LIVING GOD!"
Third Glorious Mystery, The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Our Mother: "Nothing else is needed. When you truly understand this My children and My priests, My beloved Church will be renewed and restored. satan has tried from the very beginning to destroy My Son Jesus' Church. The gates of hell shall notprevail against Her. his head will be crushed and he will be defeated. Be alert, do not let him lead you astray with his lies My children. Call Your Mother I am here for you. Consecrate yourselves, your homes, your lives, your families and your parishes to My Immaculate Heart. Do you understand? My Immaculate Heart is the only safe refuge for My Heart is safely enclosed within the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus. I call you to Peace and to Love."
Fourth Glorious Mystery, The Assumption
Our Mother: "Love My Son Jesus with all your hearts. Love one another for My Son dwells in each of you. Respect one another in true Peace and Holy Love. I am blessing each one of you today as I walk among you. I give to each of you a special angel of protection. Turn to My Son Jesus with all your heart. He is a faithful Bridegroom and will always care tenderly for you His own Bride, His Church. You are being restored to holiness and wholeness. I love you. I am taking you by the hand with loving protection to My Beloved Son Jesus. Thank you for praying with Me today. Pray each day for My beloved sons, My chosen priest sons. Some have fallen it is true. God's Mercy is there for them too."
Fifth Glorious Mystery, The Coronation
I said, "O Mother, Father has to leave soon. He has Confirmation and it's an hour away." Our Mother smiled and said, "Do not worry, My child. I love you. I love you. Be faithful My children and your reward will be great. To those who are blinded by things of the world, by their own light, put your head down and pray for God's Mercy. My Son longs to heal and forgive you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love"
Today Our Mother gave me the understanding that the Church She has asked us to build here will honor the Seven Sacraments in a special way. She has also said that some in this Mission will be taken into the Seventh Chamber of Jesus' Sacred Heart. Our Mother has said that the MISSION OF DIVINE LOVE FOLLOWS or is an extension of THE MISSION OF DIVINE MERCY. She said that Jesus in the Sacrament of Holy Confession is DIVINE MERCY and that Jesus in Holy Eucharist is DIVINE LOVE.
End of Claire Rose___________________
April 26, 2003 Last Saturday of April 2003 Theriot, Louisiana
Leslie Therese` wrote:
Our Mother spoke first to us all:
"I live within the silence of your hearts. Awaken. Awaken to My love for you My children. I am comfort, I am peace, I am love, I am joy, I am all that God has asked Me to be. I am your Mother and all that you do in My name will be blessed. I love you very much My children."
Today I see Our Mother dressed in blue and pink. Her mantle is white. And She is doing battle for us with the devil. Our Mother spoke again:
"My precious, precious Joseph's guard your families with prayer. The evil one is at hand and your prayer will guard and guide your families. I will pray with you each time you call upon Me. I will give you My peace to share with those you meet. I love you My sons continue to pray."
Our Mother spoke to two men who have done everything she asked of them:
"I have seen your work for My children and I bless you abundantly. I thank you for your yes and for never refusing My call to you. My call to you has been laborious but never have you complained. I have watched in wonder at your love for Me. You give your love freely and openly and you are blessed with the same from My Heart. I love you My sweet Joseph's. You have done much. Worry not My sons for I am with you daily, and where ever I am so is My Son Jesus also. You were chosen not for the holy life of the priesthood, but for the holy life of being good husbands and good men. You are blessed today with all of My love for you. Your marriages and families are blessed also. I love you. I love you. I LOVE YOU!"
Our Mother continued to all of us:
"My children cling to your families. Allow Your children to hold on to their innocence. Cherish each moment spent with them and all of your families. I love you My children and bless you with this love. All of Heaven prays with you today for your, Our priests. Remember My children that without them you would not receive My Son Jesus in the Sacrifice of the Mass nor any of the other Sacraments that you are blessed to receive through My priests sons. Pray for My priests My children. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray for My son John who will come to Me soon. Pray. Pray. Pray My children. I will pray with you. All of Heaven also. God the Father sees all that you do for His sons. Pray for your families, friends, and all who touch your lives. Yes again I ask you to pray for your enemies. Pray for their conversion. Pray for all to come to Jesus My Son for He is the greatest love of all. No - one or no- thing can replace this love. Pray that the love of My Son Jesus fills them to overflowing so that no evil can seep in. Pray My children that the love of My Son Jesus shall envelop this world of souls that God has created. I love you My children and this love is true and will endure always. My sweet faithful children you are My Heart and you fill Me with love so strong. I come here each month requesting your help and each month you do your best to come. I see all that you go through My children. I bless you again with My peace and My love for you. My children your faith makes My Heart full and happy. My tears today are those of joy at seeing all of you. I love and cherish each of you. I carry your petitions with Me to Heaven...Your Mother."
Our Mother spoke to a priest present:
"I saw you coming My precious Emile. Oh. How I love you. You are My gentle and loving little one. Thank you for all you have done for Me. Thank you for all you have done for My children. Thank you for helping your brother priests and for speaking out about what I have done for you here in this little holy place. Your love for My children touches My Heart. Oh. How I truly love you, you are My Heart. I am watching over as you call to Me for guidance. I love you... I love you...I have whispered within your heart and you have heard. I call to you because I love you. Do not be afraid it is Me Your Mother. My love for you is divine beyond human words. You will be rewarded for your obedience. You will someday see all of the souls that have been saved because you said yes so long ago, just a short time really, I love you My son and bless you again today with renewal and refreshment of your body and soul. I am here for you always. Always I love you..."
Our Mother spoke to the religious present:
"My sweet gentle daughters and My precious son. I love you and I pray for you everyday. That you will continue to be strong in your faith in My Son Jesus. And I thank you again for not giving in to this world and continuing to wear your habits so that My children will know who you are and that you gave your life to My Son Jesus. I am with you daily in your prayers and songs. I love you and thank you for all you do in praying for MY children. You are so wondrous to Me. Continue to pray for your brothers and sisters. Pray that their faith will become strong enough to leave the world behind them. And to look only to the Blessed Trinity for comfort. Pray. Pray. Pray that they realize this world has nothing to offer them and that they give themselves completely to My Son Jesus. Remember your vows My loves were not made to this world but to the Truth only found in My Son Jesus. I love you and have come here to bring you back to this Truth, this Love, this Wholeness. By your faith you will be stronger."
Our Mother spoke to another priest present:
"My precious one. You who said yes so loudly. You who continue to daily give yourself up to My love. I see you. I see all that you are. I see all that you do. You are blessed My son. Thank you for doing all you can in My name. I love you. Please continue to pray for My daughters. Their journey is a long one with many obstacles; they will need your guidance. Carefully give this to them. Pray for your brothers also that they may know the importance of their priesthood. I love you My son. You are very special to Me. I have chosen you for the job of priest. Thank you for knowing how important and special this is. My children thank you and they love you also. Each time you do for My children you do for Me, and I love you for this. I see all that you do in My name and the Name of My Son Jesus. Thank you again for hearing the confessions of My children. I am surrounding you with My love and My angels of protection. I give you My peace and all of Heaven watches over you in My presence."
I see this priest first surrounded with hearts then he is surrounded by angels row after row after row...hundreds of thousands.
Our Mother spoke again to us:
"Jeffrey - Come to Me My child in your time of sorrow and I will release you. STOP and pray My son for your enemies. Debi - he prays with you today and everyday. 'I love you still.' Helen - I am your Mother. I am the Mother of all. Forgive My child and you will be forgiven also. I love you.
Kat - I love you and I see all that you do in My name. All will come together soon. Love and keep Me in your heart. Look for Me in all you meet and greet Me with a smile and lots of love. Joseph - speak softly My child and listen for My Voice within your heart. I will guide you." (I think Joseph is being called to the priesthood.) "Jay - I love you My son and I await your return to Me."
For everyone: "Do not let go of your faith My children. Go to confession, Pray to My Son Jesus and ask His forgiveness. Love one another...I love you.
Your Mother. Mother of Divine Love."
Our Mother was walking around today and She touched many people and they felt Her touch.
End of Leslie Therese'_______________
April 26, 2003 Last Saturday of April Priest's Saturday
Received by a bride from another area, Lin.
I blessed the whole house with holy water. People were here at 1:45 p.m. to put their petitions in the petition box. I blessed everyone present with holy water. We started the 20 decade Rosary for priests around 2:00 p.m. I invited all the Holy Angels, Saints and Souls being make holy in Purgatory to pray with us and for us. I invited Our Lady under all her titles to pray with us and for us. I then said the opening prayers.
At the First Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation, Our Lady asked me to announce She was here I did. She then said, "My child thank you for your obedience." She continued, "My children I love you. Thank you for coming together today to pray for priests with Me at My request." I see Our Lady all in light, a bright white light, brighter than sunlight. It is Our Lady of Divine Love. She is in white garments that flow softly in the breeze. She is most beautiful. She says, "My children! My precious children, Oh how I love you. Thank you for answering My call to pray for priests in spite of the many difficulties you had to overcome.
I speak to My seminarians today. Oh! My sons, thank you for answering My Son Jesus' Call to serve Him and your fellowman. Many are praying for you today all over the world. Many graces are being released from Heaven for you to persevere in your calling to be holy priests. I love you My special sons. I love you. Know that My Son Jesus asks much of you and the prayers being said today come to you in special special graces. Persevere My sons! Persevere!
To My holy priests, My priest sons persevere in being holy. Pray for yourselves and your brother priests to persevere in holiness. Pray for your brother priests to have conversion of heart. Some are on the wrong path. Pray for them to be able to let go of self and totally convert their hearts to My Son Jesus. He waits for them. Oh! How He loves them.
Oh! My children, Oh! How My Son Jesus loves you. My prayer warriors, your prayers are heard in heaven. Many graces are released because of all your prayers."
I see Our Lady as Queen of Divine Love. Now Our Lady of Divine Grace and now Our Lady of Guadalupe. She is most beautiful. She is life size and hovers just above us. She is so beautiful. Her Eyes are so beautiful. They seem to take all of us inside of them. Love! So much Love! I rest inside Your Eyes my Mother. I leave all in Your Hands. Oh! Spouse of the Holy Spirit, I love you.
I see Our Lady all in light again. She is all light. Her garments glow in a bright white light. She says, "Thank you My children for saying the Luminous Mysteries. You will learn much from them. They will deepen your faith and love and compassion for your fellow man. Open your hearts to these Holy Mysteries. They bring holiness beyond your understanding." I have never seen Our Lady so brilliant before. She is surrounded by brilliant white light all around Her. She is Queen of Divine Love. I have never seen Her so beautiful before. She says, "My daughter thank you for the beautiful pictures you made for My children. I send many blessings with them. Much much Love. Love to My precious children, My prayer warriors. Those warriors who have courage in spite of many obstacles to come together today to pray with Me for Our priests."
I am very aware of the people around me praying. Again I see the evil one cringing! As we continue to pray the Rosary the devil leaves completely.
Our Lady continues, "My children many of you suffer greatly. Thank you for offering your sufferings for Our priests. Nothing! None of your suffering is wasted My children! Nothing!"
I see Our Lady all in blue and white stop over the top of each of us and then touch each one of us ever so gently and lovingly as only a loving Mother would. Rays come from Her precious Hands and touch and enter each one of us. Very humbling. I see a blue mist fill the room, now it turns to white and flows out all over the world. She says, "My daughter, grace, much grace flows out to all parts of the world because of your prayers. My children I love you. My daughter thank you for your obedience in writing. This room has no walls. The graces of your prayers go out to all the world, as the prayers are from your hearts. Prayers from the heart are irresistible to all of heaven. They rise before Our Father's Throne, before Him and before the Whole Blessed Trinity. The love from your hearts is returned to you with Love from the Throne of God. Love beyond your understanding! Open your hearts My children, open your hearts and receive all this Love. It is Love beyond your understanding, Love that heals all! I bless everyone here My daughter."
I now see Our Lady in deep midnight blue with brilliant stars in Her dress. I have seen Our Lady this way before. From Her outstretched Hands flows grace. It looks like rays of gold and silver flowing out to all of us. So much Love! Love beyond my understanding. Love I cannot even describe. Our Lady says, "My Children! My children all over the world, open your hearts to receive this Love. Your hearts must be open to receive this Love. Your hearts must be open to receive this grace of Love to all of you. Oh! My children, My precious children, so much Love! "
The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery, The Agony in the Garden, Our Lady says, "The Cross My children is Love beyond your understanding! My Son Jesus is Love beyond your understanding! I love you My children. I love you! I love you!" Our Lady then became very quiet.
The Glorious Mysteries Our Lady continues, "Continue to write My daughter. My children! My precious children, thank you for coming together today to pray for Our priests with Me from all over the world. I form you into a river of prayer going all over the world, leaving nothing untouched by grace. Many blessings go home with each of you. They go out to all you meet. You take with you the love of My Son Jesus and give it to all you meet. So much love My children. My Son, Jesus is calling all His children to Him, to know Him and to love Him. With My Son is complete Peace, complete Love! I love you My children, I love you! Open your hearts to My Son if they are not open already. Let His peace and Love flow into you so He can love others with His love through you. I love you My children, I love you! Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.
Yes! It is Me little one, Queen of Divine Love. The brightness you see is Me. Yes! Little one all in white with My Crown with the Chalice and the Eucharist suspended above it. The brightness comes from the Eucharist My little one. It is My Son Jesus who is the bright white light. All comes from Him. I love you My precious children. Thank My Son Jesus for these visits. I love you. He has sent Me to you. Your Mother! I love you!"
End of bride from another area, Lin __________________