February 24, 2001 Last Saturday Priests Saturday Theriot, Louisiana
Received by Claire Rose
I called a priest to please pray for and with me as I awoke extremely tired. After I spoke to him I felt better, lighter, not tired. He had told me to rest, but I felt so much better that I went out to greet and be with the pilgrims who had begun to arrive about 10AM.
Last night when I talked to Our Mother I asked Her to please send at least two priests this month. We marked two chairs "PRIEST" in trust.
We began singing about 1PM. My heart is filled with joy for two priests have come plus our two faithful holy nuns and a dear Brother from Illinois and many other holy children of Our Mother. At 1:45 we gathered with the little children under the orange tree.
Our Mother Came dressed in white. On Her Head was a white bridal veil and Her new Crown, Queen of Divine Love. In Her Arms She carried a bouquet of flowers that looked like diamonds or water drops. She said, "My Precious little children, I love you. Thank you for coming today to pray with Me. I love you. I gather you all under My Mantle."
2PM I blessed everyone present and the rooms with Holy Water in obedience to Our Mother. We began the Rosary for the Sanctification of Priests in the usual way with the Sign of the Cross and by inviting Our Mother to come under all Her Titles but most especially as Mother of Divine Love. We invite Her to come and to pray with us and for us. We also invite the holy angels and Saints and the souls being made holy in Purgatory to join us in prayer. Our Blessed Mother has taught me to pray in this way. She told me many years ago that when we make the Sign of the Cross before prayer that a special opening like a stream of Light is opened between Heaven and us. I have seen this opening at times. One could ponder the Sign of the Cross for hours and the awesome mystery that is there. And so often we sign ourselves without thinking or pausing to reflect. Holy Mother Church, through Sacred Tradition has taught us much, if we will just remember.
First Joyful Mystery the Annunciation, Our Blessed Mother asked me to announce that She was already Present. I consecrated to Her Immaculate Hands and Heart all the priests of the world, all future priests, priests who have left the priesthood and priests souls in Purgatory. I consecrated all of us present, our families, friends and parishes. I gave to Her our petitions. I asked Her to join us to all those who are praying with us for priests. Blessed Mother was happy to see us and to hear us sing and pray together for our priests. She said, "I will teach you a simple prayer. 'Jesus Son of the Living God, have mercy on us and on all our priests.' I love simple little prayers from your heart. You can pray in this way while you do your daily work. Then your daily work will become a joy!" She then said to me several times, "Kiss your Cross." I understand this time Our Mother means my little daily duties. For sometimes I would like to run away from my little daily duties and crosses. Most of my complaints are interior, but She knows my heart and my thoughts. I'm amazed by Her Gentle Love, over and over as I struggle with my faults and humanity.
Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation
Clouds of Darkness were moving toward and trying to cover Our Mother's picture. I did not understand what was happening, so I sprinkled Holy Water. I blessed myself with it.
Light returned and the dark clouds were banished.
Our Mother said, "The darkness is a spiritual darkness trying to overwhelm My priests."
Brilliant Beams of Light came from Jesus in The Holy Eucharist on Her Crown.
Fifth Joyful Mystery, The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
Blessed Mother speaks, "My precious and most beloved sons. I love you with all My Immaculate Heart. I have chosen you and called you. I have given birth to your holy vocation. My precious, precious little ones, My shepherds, I love you. I love you. I call you here to be loved by My Immaculate Heart. You will receive much healing in this little place. Many graces from Our Father, from My Son Jesus and from My Beloved Spouse, the Holy Spirit are being showered here for you. I love you. These special graces come to you through My Immaculate Hands and Heart. Here you will experience deep peace and Divine Love. I love you. I love you. I love you."
I saw drops of clear water falling on and going into the two priests who are present. These looked like the bouquet of flowers Our Mother was carrying when She Appeared for the little children by the swing near the orange tree.
"I shower you and fill you here with Divine Love. I am but a vessel of Love for you all My shepherds."
First Sorrowful Mystery The Agony in the Garden
I see and feel showered by Jesus' Precious Blood. Our Mother continues:
"Empty your hearts My beloved sons of all that is not of God. Turn to Me, Your Immaculate Mother. I love you. I need you My sons. You are My Hands and My Heart in this world. I thank you for all you do for Me and for My Son, Jesus. I am with you at all times. I dwell in your hearts My beloved sons. Make your heart a dwelling place for Me. I love you so much. Through you My sons I desire to restore My Son's Church to holiness and wholeness. I love you. Store up treasures for Heaven My sons. Be living examples of Your Mother and of My Son Jesus, Divine Love. Give to Me your daily struggles, your daily works, your little sufferings. Through these you will be purified and sanctified, made holy and whole, and many of your brother priests too."
Second and Third Sorrowful Mystery Through a veil of Jesus' Precious Blood, I see Our Mother. Her arms are lifted up in supplication to Jesus for all of us. I see through this veil, Jesus, Our Risen Lord. His arms are extended to us in invitation. Jesus is inviting us to come to Him. I see Jesus with His Arms raised to Our Father. I see Our Father's Throne and His Feet. I see the Holy Spirit as a white dove, hovering above and beams of white light like water come from Him to us. I see all this through the veil of Jesus' Precious Blood. Blessed Mother speaks, "My sons, I love you. I ask you to speak Truth to all My children. Do not be afraid. I am in you. I will speak through you. My children no longer know what sin is. They are sheep without shepherds. They go deeper and deeper into error and into sin. I need you My beloved sons. I will always help you. I will always be with you. I will never stop crying out to you. I will never abandon you. I am yours, your Mother, Mother of Divine Love."
Fourth Sorrowful Mystery The Carrying of the Cross, Blessed Mother continues, "Pray for your brothers. Speak to your brothers who are in sin and in error. Do not be afraid. I need you. I love you. I promise you My Protection and always My love. You will walk in Peace for I am within you. Teach My children about Adoration of My Son in the Blessed Sacrament."
I see Padre Pio. I see Fr. Joachim. Our Mother speaks:
"Many many priest saints are here with you today." I see Padre Pio again. I spoke to him, "Padre Pio, please heal priests with cancer." His eyes were filled with deep Love.
First Glorious Mystery The Resurrection, Blessed Mother speaks, "I am with you in a very special way today. Let the children play. They are innocent." I hear the children's voices that are playing outside as we pray.
Second Glorious Mystery, The Ascension, Our Mother Speaks: "Holy Sisters, I love you. I love you. Rest. Brother Vic, I love you. My precious and most beloved children I love you. I thank you with all My Heart for accepting My Invitation to come here to pray with me for your brother priests. I love you. I will bless your homes and your Parishes. I thank you all for all you do for Me and for My Son Jesus. I love you. Today is My 23rd Visitation to you here. Thank My Son Jesus for these Visitations of Love. Surrender to Me My little ones all your problems, all your anxieties, all your worries, your hearts. Surrender your hearts. I am awaiting you. I will take your hands and your hearts. Consecrate to Me your hearts, your families, your homes and your parishes. I desire to fill you with Peace, with Joy and with Love. My Son Jesus is here with Me today. Many of you will feel His Touch, as He walks among you."
Third Glorious Mystery, The Descent of the Holy Spirit,
Blessed Mother says, "Pray with your hearts open, My little ones. Every prayer whispered in your heart is heard in Heaven. Thank you My little ones for all your gifts to Me, to My Son in the beautiful Bouquet you gave to Me for Our priests. I thank you too for My new Crown. Much grace will be given those who honor Me here. Thank you My son" (a priest) "for honoring My Crown and Title and for crowning Me. I am Queen of your heart. I love you. I am Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests."
Two brides from Texas who have offered themselves as victim souls for priests were present. They began the children's group that prays daily for priests in front of the Blessed Sacrament, Little Knights of Our Lady, Protectors of the Eucharist. They are listed on our Web Site under children's group. One of the children was also present. The little Knights made a large Yellow Rose of paper for Our Lady. We put the rose in Her Hands.
About 6:30PM in our chapel, the six victim souls being present from 4 states, including the holy priest who made this offering, we renewed our simple lifetime vow to the Holy Blessed Trinity as victim souls for priests through Mary Immaculate Our Queen and Mother of Divine Love. My whole family and some close friends including a Religious Brother were around us. Two more joined us in this offering, one of my daughters and my oldest granddaughter. Now, by God's Grace and inspiration, we are 8.
Over 100 pilgrims were present today.
Today I forgot to ask my husband to bless around the outside of our home as I usually do. He, too, forgot. During the Rosary he remembered. So he asked Our Mother to take care of this for him. He saw a big circle of aborted babies come with Our Mother and surround our home. He could see all their little faces & their arms were joined together. They had no legs or feet.
Sunday, Feb. 25, 2001. Our Lady gave us a simple Chaplet for Priests with the little prayer She gave us at the beginning of Her Visit. It is to have a Crucifix, one bead, then a medal with Our Mother of Divine Love on one side, and 33 beads that join with the medal. We pray the Creed on the Crucifix. On the next bead, the Our Father. On the medal, the Hail Mary. On the 33 beads, "Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us and on all our priests." On the medal, "O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise & all thanksgiving be every moment Thine." "Blessed be the most Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Mary most holy. Mary, Mother of Divine Love, pray for us." "God Our Father, please send us holy priests, all for the Sacred & Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with St. Joseph." On the last bead, the Glory Be. On the Cross, St. Michael Prayer.
End of Claire Rose______________
February 24, 2001 Last Saturday Priests Saturday Theriot, Louisiana
Leslie Therese received.
I see the Child Jesus as we pray the opening prayer. I see Our Mother Mary like the first time I saw Her. She is walking among us. She says, "I am walking among My people, looking into their hearts. I can see into your hearts even into the darkest corner. You need only ask to be healed of your burdens. My Son can bring light to darkness through His great love for the World and His people. Do not look to the world for healing for there is true healing only through My Son Jesus." I see a glowing Host, Jesus in Holy Eucharist. Blessed Mother continues, "Pray for My Son's priests. Do not be afraid of what others think. Think only of My Son Jesus. It is at His Request that I have come here to this simple little place. He is calling us here to pray for His brothers." I see Mary dressed in a cream colored mantle with many jewels around the edge. She is blowing kisses and when Her Hands open from the kisses a dove flies out. She says, "These are the souls of some of My Son's priests being released from Purgatory. I use doves to represent their souls to show purity. I love you My sons and daughters with a love so strong that nothing on earth can break this love I have for you. I thank you again for coming here to pray with Me for My Son's priests. Pray that they hear My call to them. I am here for them always. Anytime they call to Me here I will come. I cannot refuse them My love."
Second Sorrowful Mystery The Scourging at the Pillar, Mother Mary says, "Be still listen and rest My child. Pray this decade with My people. Tell them I love them and that I am placing a special blessing of protection upon their children. Let them be children, let their innocence shine forth for the world to see. Do not be afraid for I am protecting their souls. They will come to Me when I call and I will surround them with My love. They bring joy to My weeping heart. Tell them of My love for them. Just as I love them so does My Son, Jesus. Teach your children of My Son, Jesus' love for them. Teach them to pray and offer daily deeds to My Son Jesus for priests. Teach them not to be afraid of His love."
Private: "Send your Rosary home with the lady who gave you the picture of Father Tompson. Ask her to bring it to Him for a blessing."
Fifth Sorrowful Mystery, and the first Glorious Mystery I smell roses. For the two priests who are present, Mother Mary says,"My sons I have looked into your hearts and found myself there. You are My precious sons and I love you and keep you within My Immaculate Heart. Do not give up. Continue to tell your brothers of My Presence here in this special place. I am here for you all. I bring a New Hope to place into your hearts. I bring refreshment for you spirits and a renewal of your faithfulness to God the Father. My Love will shine forth from you wherever you go in My Name. It will shine so bright that others will see My Presence within you, as I have. I love you. I love you my most precious and devoted sons and I thank you for coming to Me today. Your Mother."
From Our Father "Do not be afraid to come to Me. I am your Father. I can forgive all. You need but ask. I love you My sons. My daughters also. I bring your burdens into My Self. Your Father."
Our Mother: "Tell Caroline I love her."
"Michael, His soul has been healed and renewed."
"Jackie, Come back to me."
"I will bless all of the articles here. I bless all Wedding and engagement rings and each person wearing and honoring them and the homes they share."
"K - I am filling your body with My love to over flowing. Nothing else will remain which does not belong to Me."
Many many Angels and Saints are present with us praying and singing for our priests. They are so loud I am sure that everyone can hear them.
St. John Vianney's statue came alive and he was watching us all smiling.
End of Leslie Therese____________________
February 24, 2001 Last Saturday Priests Saturday
Received by a bride from another area, Lin.
I am in Theriot, Louisiana for Our Lady's visit. Around 1:45 p.m. Claire Rose invited all the children out to the swing area to pray Hail Marys. I went out also and while praying Our Lady said, "Let the little children come to Me." Around 2:00 p.m. we went inside to the chapel to say the fifteen decade rosary with all the people. Everything and everyone was blessed with Holy Water. There were two priests, two nuns and one brother and many other pilgrims present. All of a sudden Padre Pio's statue appeared to come alive. The statue looked directly at the two priests present. Our Lady is standing beside him. She is Our Lady of Fatima without a crown. Her garments are moving in the breeze.
At the first Joyful Mystery, The Annunciation, I am very aware of all the people around me praying. Our Lady begins to speak,"Oh! My children, My beautiful children. Oh! How happy it makes Me to see you all here praying for My beloved priest sons. Touch the two ladies sitting near you. Tell them I love them and that I am with them. Touch _____. Tell her I am with her." (I felt Our Lady's love pour into her.) "Thank you My children for praying for My priest sons."
At the third Joyful Mystery, The Birth of Our Lord, I see Our Lady as, Our Lady of Divine Grace. She was larger than the room. Her mantle spreads out over all here present. Our Lady then said to four people present from Texas, "Thank you for your yes to Me and My Son. Touch the lady directly behind you. She is My special daughter. My Son has given her the great gift of love. Continue to write My child. As My Son gives the gift of love to you and others He asks you to give that love to others."
At the fourth Joyful Mystery, The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple, Our Lady says, "My child I know how hard this is for you to speak up and speak out. Tell My daughters, My two dear Sisters, thank you for your yes. Thank you for coming."Our Lady was speaking to the two nuns present.
At the fifth Joyful Mystery, The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple, I see the roof disappear and us being joined with all those who are praying all over the world for holy priests. Our Lady then says, "I am joining you to all those all over the world who are praying for priests at My request on this day. My Son and I touch each person here today at My request, with great and many graces. Many (graces) are needed at this time to be holy and pleasing to God, The Trinity."
At the first Sorrowful Mystery, The Agony in the Garden, Our Lady says, "Pray and ask your angels to help you be holy. Listen to them when they tell you to be good. Your Holy Angels see your Father face to face and pray for you." I see Our Lady as Mother of Divine Love. She has Her crown on and says, "I am your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of All Priests."
At the second Sorrowful Mystery, The Scourging at the Pillar, Our Lady speaks, "My sons, My priest sons, thank you for coming here today at My request to pray for your brother priests. Thank you for your yes to My Son's call and My call. I love you. Your brother priests need your prayers. Many blessings go out to your brothers for your Charity of heart by praying for them. Encourage your flocks to go to Adoration and spend time with My Son. This is what is needed for hearts to change and become close to My Son so they can spend eternity with Him. Oh! My priest sons who aren't here, you are missing so many graces I bring here for all of you. Where are you! I love you. I wait for you. Come back to Me. Come back to My Son. Time is running short."
At the fourth Sorrowful Mystery, The Carrying of the Cross, Our Lady speaks again to her priests sons, "Why do you do your own thing! Abandon your wrong direction and stay loyal to the Holy Father, My son John Paul II. He prays for you daily. Do not squander these graces My sons. Get back on track. Teach the true faith. Oh! My faithful sons who are teaching the truth, Oh! How I love you. I am with you. You are never alone."
At the fifth Sorrowful Mystery, The Crucifixion, I see Our Lady so very sad. She says, "Oh! My wayword sons, My Son suffered and gave His all for you. He doesn't want to loose you. Wake up! Get back on track."
At the first Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection, Our Lady speaks, "My dear brother. Thank you for coming. Thank you for your yes. I love you. I am with you. I never leave you." She was speaking to the Religious Brother who was present. I am very aware of the people around me praying. Our Lady then speaks, "Oh! My children, My precious children, I love you. Thank you for coming today to pray for priests at My request. Many graces are being sent from Heaven to you all. Many priest's hearts will be turned in the right direction because of your prayers. You are beginning to see the fruit of your prayers. I love you My precious children. Many of you have put all aside and come today to pray for My priest sons. Thank you for your yes to My call. I love you. I am with you. I am with you in a very special way. Yes! All those all over the world who are praying for priests today at My request, answering My call." Again I see the devil fleeing as we pray the rosary. I have seen this before on previous visits of Our Lady.
At the third Glorious Mystery, The Descent of the Holy Spirit on Our Lady and the Apostles, Our Lady says, "Continue to write my child. Many graces are going to all here today. These graces will go out to all you meet. You will bring My love to all you meet in a special way. My visit to you today and the graces it brings will bring you closer to My Son, to the Most Holy Blessed Trinity. Your prayers are heard by all of Heaven." I see Our Lady as Mother of Divine Love. She is very beautiful. She is dressed all in cream color. She has Her crown on. It is beautiful with it's seven points and the Chalice on the front with the Eucharist just above the Chalice. Gold rays come out from the Eucharist. She is smiling and she says, "I love you My children. I love you. Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love, Queen of Divine Love. That is all for now little one. Thank you My daughter for your obedience. Thank you for writing."
End of bride from another area.