Consecration of St. Eloi Parish to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
O Most Holy Blessed Trinity, God, Our Father in Heaven, You chose Mary as the fairest of Your daughters; God the Son, Jesus, You chose Mary as Your Mother; God, the Holy Spirit, You chose Mary as Your Spouse; in union with Mary we worship and adore You above all things!
Most Holy Trinity, as Pastor of St. Eloi Parish, on this special Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, I Consecrate and Entrust myself and my parish to the Immaculate Hands and Heart of Our Blessed Mother, Mary. As Shepherd of the souls given to my charge, I place St. Eloi Parish into the Hands of Mary Immaculate asking that She take us into Her Maternal Care, cover us with Her Mantle and Intercede for all our needs both spiritual and temporal.
Immaculate Queen of Heaven and earth, Refuge of Sinners and our Mother who loves us, we humbly cast ourselves at Your Feet. I Consecrate and commit to You all the members of this parish beginning with the weakest ones, from the unborn to the sick and dying, the disabled and the elderly. I commit to You our families, our children, our youth, the single, the widowed and divorced. I give to you especially our dysfunctional, hurt and broken families, those who are suffering with addiction of any kind. Help the unemployed, the lonely and the desperate, those who have lost hope. I commit to You all those who are away from our parish and those who have distanced themselves from the Church or have been hurt by anyone in the Church, for any reason.
Mother Mary by Your Help and Intercession accept us all into Your Merciful and Immaculate Heart. You are full of Grace, fill us and heal us with the Grace that comes to us from the Throne of God through You! Help us to renew our Baptismal promises to renounce sin and all temptation of evil and the devil. Renew and increase our Faith, Hope and Love, that we may live according to the Gospel, fulfill God’s Command to love Him and our neighbor, keep the Commandments, receive the Sacraments worthily and live according to the teachings of Holy Mother Church. Guide us and lead us to deeper conversion of heart and to holiness of life. Draw us ever closer to Your Son’s Sacred and Eucharistic Heart.
Open our hearts to listen to God’s Call with joy and to respond to Him with all our hearts. Help us and Fill us with all that we need to become co-workers of Your Mercy and Love, to become a parish that shows forth the Light of Christ like the shining Star of Bethlehem. Draw forth from our parish the precious gift of many Vocations to the Holy Priesthood and Religious Life.
I ask Your Protection in every danger for our whole parish, those who live and work here and those who visit or just pass by. May we live in Love and in Peace caring for and sharing with one another. Mother Mary, we ask Your Prayers for all those in our families who are still in Purgatory that they be quickly released to Heaven. And when our time on earth has come to an end, please come and take us to Our Heavenly Father.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
Holy Trinity may Our Mother present this parish to You.
I make this Consecration to Mary Immaculate through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.