Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity

Last Saturday, August 27, 2016

Day of Prayer for Priests, St. Eloi Church, Theriot, LA

In obedience to Our Mother's Call, we gather at 2pm, to pray for our beloved priests
and for more  vocations to the Holy Priesthood. 

The Most Holy Blessed Sacrament is Exposed on the Altar throughout our hours of prayer.

At the Fifth Joyful Mystery, The Finding of the Child, Jesus in the Temple

Our Mother speaks: "My Precious and Most Beloved Priest Son, 
I love you! I love you! I love you!
You have been chosen from long ago, My little one, My own little lamb!  
Thank you for opening the Home of My Son Jesus,
to My beloved brides.
O My children, I love you more and more each day for your response to My Call!
Yes! I do hear your prayers. You are in My Heart forever.
Your prayers are heard and multiplied by Heaven.
There is much suffering on the earth at this time, My children."

At the First Luminous Mystery, The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan

Our Mother continues:"Storms and wars may come and go...know that I am with you!
I encourage you to continue your lives of prayer and offering.
Let Divine Order reign in your homes and in your families.
My Son Jesus, Our Father and The Holy Spirit, One God in Three Divine Persons 
must be first in your lives, in your families, in your homes and in your parishes.
O My children, be a living example to others, to your children, to your grandchildren.
Each generation must be taught. Your example is far greater than your words.
I ask you to simplify your lives, your homes.
Live in peace with one another and Love one another as Jesus and I, Your Mother, love you.
Be living examples of Peace and of Love.
Be merciful and kind to one another. 
I love you! I love you! I love you! Your Mother.
I will continue to bless you with holy priests.
A new 'Springtime' awaits you, My beloved children.
The Church of My Beloved Son, Jesus,will be restored to holiness and wholeness."

At the Third Sorrowful Mystery, The Crowning with Thorns

Our Mother continues: "Choose today, My priest sons and all of My children, 
Who you will worship, Who you will follow.
At this moment in time, there are many who are being martyred
for their Faith and Belief in My Son, Jesus.
O My children, remember always...the Blood of the Innocents...
the Blood of the Martyrs cleanses the Church!
Repent today. Turn to Our Father and plead for Mercy! 
His Love and His Mercy will wash over you, just as the
Precious Blood and Water poured forth from 
My Beloved Son, Jesus, on the Holy Cross of Salvation.
Make a holy and sincere Confession My children. 
Receive My Son in Holy Communion with a clean and pure heart and soul.
Bless your homes and families often with Holy Water.
Pray together as a family. I love you!
Remember also, My children..."
At the First Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection
I heard the Voice of Jesus:
"You must forgive one another as I forgive you,
you must forgive one another to be forgiven.
Be merciful as Your Heavenly Father is merciful.
Remember My Prayer from The Cross, 'Father, forgive them, 
for they know not what they do!   I AM. 
I speak to you from the Cross of Love. 
I speak to you from the Holy Tabernacle.
I Am before you today.
And where I Am, Our Father is...
The Holy Spirit is...
My Mother is always present where I AM."

end of words received. Claire Rose 12-31-2016

Received by another Consecrated Bride:

Our Mother speaks:

"I am already here My loves, My children. I love you!

God allowed this catastrophe to happen with great sadness, to show the world the true strength and grit of His precious ones." (I believe that Our Mother was referring to the unusual amounts of rain that fell on Southern Louisiana and brought flooding to thousands that had never before flooded. In Our Mother's message in July She had warned us of storms to come.)

"All will be well again, better than before. The goodness and love of My little ones has not gone unnoticed. Blessings of grace and mercy are yours My beloved. 

Do you not trust the Will of the Father, My children? He and only He can can bring true lasting change. He alone can bring love into hardened hearts. Let go of the things that root you to the earth and instead root yourselves in My Son and in Me. My Josephs, I ask you to keep diligent your prayer for your families.

There is nothing that you have done that cannot be forgiven by the Father if you come to Him in complete honesty seeking Him with a contrite and sorrow filled confession. He knows all that you have done or will do. He knows your needs and burdens. 

Give to Me your all, for I love you deeply, My children. All your burdens have become My own at the loving request of My Son. Remember always that there is no greater love than that of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

All who come to Me here in this little holy place will be blessed beyond their understanding. 

My priest sons, come to Me here. Come home to Your Mother. My arms are open wide. I will lift your burdens. I will fill you with My never ending love, peace and joy to share with My little ones. Teach My children that there is nothing this world can offer better than receiving My Son Jesus into their very souls. He only is the Redeemer. He alone gave His all. It sorrows Me greatly that My children are so easily lead away from the Church founded by My Precious Son.

Repent, repent, repent and give your all. The time is now at hand to make a difference. The world is watching and waiting and they will see all you do. They will come to hear of My Son.

My little ones, My daughters are with Me. They stand in union with your prayers today, for My sons, My priests."

end of another bride 12-31-2016

August 27, 2016, SATURDAY