Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity

One Hundred Twenty-Eighth Visitation of Our Lady

November 28, 2009    Last Saturday of November   Priest’s Saturday         Theriot, LA

Claire Rose received and wrote: Today is a beautiful day!  Our Mother has been present since early this morning.  Today no priest is present so we will not have Holy Mass and we will pray a 20 decade Rosary.  We are gathering under the house as there is a large open space now that our home has been elevated because of flooding.  It is quite cold today for our area.  Winter has definitely arrived.  The sun is shining but the wind is blowing cold from the east.  About noon thousands of small blackbirds were flying and singing in the trees, by the Cross, all over the grounds.  Our Mother says, “These represent all of the priests who are being helped by your prayers and sacrifices.  I encourage you by these signs to persevere in your response to My Call to you in this Mission of Love for My priest sons.”

At 1 p.m. I was sitting near the little Altar where Our Mother’s statue was placed.  Our Mother began to speak to me: “My Beloved Priest Sons and all of My Children, I love you!  I love you!  I love you!  Open your hearts more fully to My Call, My own beloved children.  On this special day, this Last Saturday, this day of Divine Grace and of Divine Love, I come to visit you.  I am accompanied today by the multitudes of Heaven, those who have gone before you marked by the Sign of Our Faith, the Sign of the Holy Cross!  In particular, I implore you today as you begin this NEW Church Year with the Season of Advent, prepare your hearts, your families and your homes with Thanksgiving and Joy in your souls- as you await The Coming of My Beloved Son Jesus, the Christ Child, Emmanuel, God with us, Word made Flesh!”

Our Mother of Divine Love’s statue seems to ‘come alive!’ especially Her Eyes as She speaks:

“My children, I ask you to live in Peace with one another, live in Divine Love for you have been chosen to be an example by your daily lives.  Live each moment as it comes, in Love and in Peace.  Help one another, treasure each moment you have with one another.  My Beloved Son Jesus dwells within you by virtue of your Baptism in the True Faith, and by and through the other Holy Sacraments of Our Church, most especially the cleansing of your soul in Holy Confession and the nourishment of your soul and your body in Holy Communion.  Become Who you receive!  Keep in mind that the Most Holy Blessed Trinity dwells within you and where the Trinity is, I am!   O My priest sons and all of My children, you must open your hearts more fully to the Divine Grace that is being offered to you, that is being poured out upon you.  Ask and you shall receive!  Seek and you shall find!  Knock and the door will be opened unto you!  The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!  Prepare your hearts and your souls!”

Our Mother speaks a few words to my brother whose wife died seven weeks ago and he is now undergoing treatment for cancer.  My brother had sent roses today from his wife’s rosebush.  “C., I love you!  Thank you for the beautiful roses from A’s garden. Thank you for coming here on Thanksgiving Day!  My son you received much healing here many years ago.  Again I offer you healing here.  You are at home here My son.”  My brother had lived with us for about a year and a half in the late ‘80’s.

At 2p.m. we began the Rosary.  Our Mother asked me to announce Her Presence.  At the First Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation, I saw Father Steve O’Donald, a dear friend who was killed in a car accident in another country.  He was bathed in bright red light. He was smiling.  He said, “I just came to see you, to encourage you to persevere.  Heaven is with you my little friend.  I love you and pray with you and for you.  Many priests have been touched and seek holiness and wholeness because of your prayer, your suffering and your sacrifice.  I have been in Heaven for I died a Martyr’s death.  I greet you and assure you of my continued support and love.  I was asked by Jesus and Our Mother to visit you today.”

Then I saw Brother Jim Steinbeck who used to come so faithfully on the Last Saturdays.  Bro. Jim died suddenly.  I saw Brother Jim’s smiling face.  He says, “My mamma on the bayou, yes, it’s me, your son, Bro. Jim.  I helped you in life my mamma and now in death, I help you more.  I am with you at all times.  Thank you for loving me.  I love you!  Those who have gone before are closer than you can realize.”

Then I saw Marcus’s smiling face.  Marcus was a Consecrated bride who was like a son to me.  He died a few years ago.  He said, “Yes, it’s me!  Thank you for loving me as a son.  I, too, help you from Heaven, give my love to my D.” 

At the Fourth Joyful Mystery, the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, I saw another Consecrated bride’s smiling face, Curtis.  He said, “Yes, it’s me!  I, too, am helping you.  Please tell my J. that I am with her and my whole family.  Pray for Sister Peter!  I am helping you B.”

At the Fifth Joyful Mystery, the Finding of Jesus in the Temple, Our Mother comes as Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.  She comes as Queen with Her Crown on.  I am lost in Her Love.  Her Eyes draw me into LOVE!  I feel absolute stillness- deep Love and Peace.  From the Chalice and Host on Her Crown I see the Holy Spirit as a pure white Dove, fly into each one present.  I then see God Our Father above and encompassing the Chalice and the Host.

First Luminous Mystery, the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan, Our Mother speaks:

“O My beloved priest sons, I love you!  I love you!  I love you!  Some of you are a part of My remnant Church.  I need you, My sons.  My children need you to be holy shepherds.  You are each chosen to live a life of holiness and to lead the flocks to holiness. Remember you cannot teach what you do not live.  Let your life be a living Gospel, a living sermon.  Teach My children the Truths of Our Faith.  Do not be afraid for your responsibility is great.  You must be holy shepherds who live, speak and teach TRUTH! My children wander in every direction when they have no shepherds to lead and guide them.  I love you, My sons and remind you that My Son Jesus is counting on you!  My beloved priest sons, O how I love you!  I enfold you in My softest Mantle, My Mantle of Divine Love, Peace and Protection.  My Beloved priest sons, Fr. Gregory and Fr. Michael I love you.  In your hearts I am forming My new Order of Priests.  Many will join you as you pray for and minister to priests.  Divine Love Missionaries, I commission you!  All begins in your hearts, My sons.”

“My Religious Brothers and Sisters, I love you!  You bring joy to My Immaculate Heart as We begin this time of Renewal and Restoration to Holiness and Wholeness.  Continue to persevere in holiness, My little ones.  Your Mother is with you.  I am taking care of you.”

“My beloved children, I love you!  I love you!  I love you!  I am with you My little ones.  I call upon you to pray and offer sacrifice for My priest sons and for more priests.  For 20 years now the Last Saturdays have been set aside as a Day of Prayer for Priests at My Request.  Your prayers are heard and increased by Heaven.  My children, Your prayers and sacrifice have made a change.  A wave of Divine Love is sweeping the earth as more of My children pray for My priest sons and as more of My priest sons seek holiness and wholeness.  The ‘New Springtime’ requires a spring cleaning of Our Church.  All that is unholy must be cleaned out!  Change is on the horizon.  As the ‘New Springtime’ approaches you must each prepare your hearts and your souls My priest sons and all of My children.  Prepare with Thanksgiving and Love in your hearts.  I come to earth to teach you to love one another.  I come to love you and to bring to you the love of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity.  I love you and I bless you today with the Grace to persevere in Holiness and wholeness.  Thank you for your response to My Call.  I love you!  I hear the Petitions in your hearts and carry them to My Son, Jesus. 

                                             Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests”

Throughout today’s Visitation I saw almost everything in red light, visible curtains of red light.  Does it mean martyrdom?  I pray, ‘Precious Blood of Jesus cover us, protect us, wash through us, transform and soak us, permeate us and bring us into union with the Most Holy Blessed Trinity!’

End of Claire Rose____________

Received by Leslie Therese`  November 28, 2009 in Theriot, Louisiana

Blessed Mother Spoke: “Come and listen to My Words!  Come and listen to My Words!  Come to Me, My children!  Oh how I am blessed by your Faith.  Come and rest in My Love!  Come and rest in My Arms, My Heart, My Truth, My Joy!  All of these I give to you!  I bless you as you bless Me.  I love you My children, Oh how very much I love you!  You will all know the truth of this Heavenly Love when we shall meet, as there are no earthly words to express the depth and purity of My Love for you.  I will present your heartfelt prayers to My Son Jesus Myself. 

Oh how God, Our Father has blessed Me by sending Me here to pray and visit with you, My little ones.  Oh how much more blessed can I be than by doing all that Our Father asks of Me.  My children, do all you can to pray for My sons, My priests.  Pray! Pray!  Pray every day in all you do!  A moment of prayer is tenfold if prayed with your whole heart.  Only a moment, such a short span of time can do so much.  Remember, My children, when you pray for My priests you pray for yourselves, as they My priests were chosen to lead you, My people to Heaven where the Holy Trinity awaits!  Heaven will not be complete until all of God’s children reside there!  Pray!  Pray!  Pray for all of your brothers and sisters.  Pray for your families, friends and all you meet in your lifetime.  Yes, pray especially for your enemies.  Pray for the Light of the Holy Blessed Trinity to be spread over all of the earth.  Pray for those who suffer because of their belief in Me and My Son Jesus.  Oh My children, PRAY!

A great cloud will cover the earth and only those who believe, who truly believe in My Son Jesus will be able to see to make their way to His Light.  You who are here by Faith will walk in His Light.  You will be surrounded by your special Angels of Protection given to each of you on your visits here in this little holy place in the swamps of Louisiana.  This little holy place has been blessed by a family that has always for many generations, believed in Me.  This little family has at times been persecuted for their beliefs but has continued in Faith, Love, Truth and Hope to teach all generations about their true Catholic Faith and all who come after will continue in this.  This place will always be filled with an abundance of Love and Healing.  I bless you today My children with all that I am as Your Mother.  I am here for your renewal.  Sit and pray with Me.  All of Heaven is open to you today, My children.  Rest in My loving Arms, rest and heal.  Let My Love wash away the burdens that life has placed on your shoulders.  I will take it from here My children.  Oh how very much I love you!

Leslie Therese` continued................

My Religious, Oh My little doves, here we are again in Love and Faith at Our Father’s Request.  I am always filled to completeness at your coming here to Me.  Yes, you, My little ones I am most grateful for your coming but most of all I am grateful for your ‘YES!’ to My Son Jesus!  My children are blessed by your selfless acts and in the way you, by wearing your habits for all to see and recognize, have given up earthly things in your special devotion to My Son Jesus.  ALL ARE BLESSED BY YOU!  Even those who do not believe as We do.  Yes, even these know who you are.  Thank you again for this, My little doves.  Oh how very much and especially do I love you!  Continue to pray for your brothers and sisters of the cloth.  Pray for those who struggle with earthly things.  Pray!  Pray!  Pray with all of your hearts and when ever you can, tell all that I love them just as they are, burdened and broken.  Ask these to come here to Me for renewal.     

My Priests, My sons, My sons, My Arms are empty.  They await your return to Me here.  Oh My Heart aches with the need to behold you here.  Come to Your Mother!  Come to My Heart!  Come and rest in My Love!  Come and be renewed in My All!  I am with those of you who wish to be with Me today.  Rest and be in My Peace for I love you completely and wholly as you are. 

Continue to pray and offer more times of Confession to your brother priests and all of My children.  I do see all that you do for Me and I am blessed by those of you who come to Me in spirit.  I love you so very much, My little priests!  Thank you for your ‘YES!’  Continue to pray, My little ones!  Continue to pray!

T. I will never forget you My little one.  You have suffered enough.  Come and be made new again.  I know your beauty as no one else.  I see your tears of fear and loneliness.  All will be made known soon My little love.  Your love and faith is known throughout Heaven and all generations of your family.  Continue in prayer.

J. She is with Me today My little love.  Continue in Faith to come to Me here.  You are a blessing to Me and My children for as no where else they see how much you love Me here with all of your heart.  You are most joyful to My Eyes.

G. You will come home to Me very soon.  Prepare and Pray!

A. Pray, My son for guidance.  And always think of Me before you allow words of fear or anger to fall out of your mouth.  Place My Son Jesus before yourself always.  Go forward in love and faith.  I love you, My son.   

For all of My children, I bless you all again My children.  I bless all holy marriages and children of these whether by blood or love.  I bless all wedding rings.  To all of you, My children, I bless you with My true Love, My true Heart for I love you as no other. Your Mother.

L. The time has come for change, My son.  Open your heart to Me.  I give to you My love and the renewal of your faith.  Come to Me!

John, you have done well for Me My son and I love you as no other.  Continue in faith to help My children in the ways that I have assigned you.  Pray!  Pray!  Pray!”

Today I saw Our Mother dressed all in white with a simple Veil with pink roses around the edges.  The clouds are wide open and I can see all of Heaven praying with us.  Angels are surrounding all of us.  Generations of families are present with us.

End of Leslie Therese`____________

November 28, 2009  Theriot, Louisiana                                                                                                          Received by a bride from another area, Lin  I am in Louisiana for this last Saturday.  I received the following earlier in the morning from Our Lady.
“Oh My children, I have been with you since early this morning.  I hold you all in My Heart and My Heart lives inside Jesus’ Heart.  You live inside of LOVE and LOVE lives inside of you.  Yes, each and every one of you.  That is all for now little one.  Go and be with all the Pilgrims.”
Our Lady continues, “Many priests come here today in spirit from all over the world.  One day many more will come in person.  This is holy ground dedicated for the priesthood.  Oh My children¸ Oh how I love you!  The Priesthood is for YOU My children! They will bring you to My Son Jesus.  Holy priests My children, holy priests are the answer to lead you to eternal happiness with Us (Jesus and I) in Heaven for all eternity.  Pray My children!  Pray!  Pray!  Pray for Holy priests.”
I cannot tell you enough of the LOVE Our Lady has for all of us.
The following was received from a loved one, “I am happy in Heaven because of my suffering for priests.  Our Mother thanked me personally for fixing Her Crown with gold leaf.  I am in a good place in Heaven waiting for my loved ones.  L-- , thank you for writing for Our Lady.”  I was then asked to take care of that person’s loved ones.
Around 2:00 p.m. we began the 20-decade Rosary for priests.  The face on the statue of Our Lady came alive.  Our Lady then said, “I am here!”  Her face came alive again and She was crying. 
Our Mother said, “I cry for all of My suffering children who suffer for the healing of priests.”  There was such love in Her Eyes for us, for all Her children.  Our Lady’s statue kept coming alive.  Our Lady says, “C, thank you for the flowers from A‘s garden. Three for the Trinity, Father¸ Son and Holy Spirit.”

There are Angels, Holy Angels all around us.  Our Lady says, “Thank you My children for coming to pray with Me for Our beloved priests in spite of the cold!  I thank you My children!  
Oh My children from all over the world who have come together to pray with Me for Our beloved priests  in spite of trials or persecution, in spite of weather and other difficulties, I welcome all your hearts in LOVE!  I bring with me the Most Holy Blessed Trinity.  The warmth of THEIR  LOVE  comes out to all.”
The Face on Our Lady’s statue comes alive again!  She then says to me, “Go to the Cross.  Thank you for your obedience My little one!  You are going to be O.K. little one.  Thank you for your obedience My little one.  You are sitting at the foot of the Cross, where I take you many times.  I love you little one.  Thank you for your obedience in writing at My request.
Oh My beloved religious, I thank you for answering My Call!  I love you, each and every one of you!  Open your precious hearts to all the LOVE I bring to each of you today.  LOVE beyond what you know!  Open your hearts My beloveds to receive all! Thank you for your faithfulness!  I love you!  I love you!  I love you!
Oh My priest sons¸ I am here for you today.  Your brothers and sisters are praying for you today from all over the world!  This is a special Day of Prayer for you all! It brings graces, many, many graces to your precious souls for you to be holy priests.  Receive all this grace My special sons.  Grace to lead My children to My Son Jesus who is LOVE, PURE  LOVE!  I love you My precious sons!  I love you!  I love you!”  I see Our Mother sitting next to me at the foot of the Cross of Her Son, The Cross for Priests.  
Our Mother is praying with us for Her Beloved Priest sons.  She then says, “Rest My child.”  The tip of the pen turned to gold as I wrote.  Our Lady continues, “I bring blessings to the Rosary you are praying with.  
G-----, I love you!  I am with you!  You are never alone.  My Son Jesus is guiding you!
L---, I love you My little one.  You are in My Heart.  Love lives in you!
M-----, Thank you My faithful daughter.  Thank you for praying with Me and all the Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity all over the world for Our Beloved Priests.  Healing and Holiness is coming to them.  I love you My little one!  I love you!  Thank you for your perseverance!
M---, You suffer greatly for Our beloved priest sons.  I pray for your son as you pray for Our priests.  Many priests are healed because of your perseverance.
A---- and A--, I thank you for praying with Me!  I am with you!  I love you!  I love you!
A-----, thank you for your perseverance!  I am with you!  Continue to persevere My little one!  I love you!  I pray for all your family as you pray for Our beloved priests.”
Our Mother is present as Queen of Divine Love.  She has on Her Crown with the seven points.  On the front is a Chalice with the Eucharist suspended above it.  Out of the Eucharist come golden rays of light.  Our Mother says, “Oh My children the rays of light are coming out to all of you all over the world who are praying with Us for priests this day as Grace and Peace and Love!  Open your selves My children all over the world for all this Grace and Peace and Love that is coming to you!  Peace and Love and Grace beyond your understanding, as you pray from your hearts for holy priests and for vocations.  I love you!  My children Oh how I love you!
               Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.”
Many of our ancestors were present praying with us today, parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters and many others.  The Rosary was prayed in many languages.  My deceased Father is present, now my Mother, then Claire Rose’s Mother and then her Father, then her brothers and one sister and one sister-in-law, then more who I don’t know!
End of bride from another area. ________________    

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