Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity

Last Saturday, December 31, 2016

Day of Prayer for Priests, Theriot, LA

My husband was in hospital, very ill so I was with him praying the Rosary for priests at 2pm. 

Our Mother began to speak:

"My beloved priest sons and all of My children,I love you! I love you! I love you! I am with you and within you wherever you are! I thank you for your response to My Call to pray and offer sacrifice for My sons, My priests, My own little lambs. I have come to this small, unknown and holy place to teach you, to teach you to know, to love and to serve God and one another. This is a calling to change your hearts to be vessels of service and of love! I call you to become transformed into vessels of Faith, Hope and Love! Open your hearts to My Beloved Son, Jesus! Open your hearts to Your Mother! I am here to help you in every moment! I always bring you closer and closer to My Son, Jesus, to Our Father and to My Beloved Spouse, the Holy Spirit. I, too, am a vessel of service and of love.

O My children, most especially My priest sons I call you to be renewed, to be open to all the graces that are flowing from the Most Holy Blessed Trinity through Your Mother's Immaculate Heart & Hands unto and into your open souls and hearts. The more you ask, the more you open yourselves, the more you will receive. You are called to be transformed, to be renewed and restored to holiness and wholeness so that through you, My Son's One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church will be renewed and restored to holiness and wholeness. And that through the Church, the whole world will be renewed and restored to holiness and wholeness! An abundance of Grace is being poured out at this very moment in all of time, as never before! I call you to become holy and whole! Become vessels of Love and of Peace. You are being filled with all the grace you need to answer My Call to you! You are being healed and set free to be all that God is calling you to be! 

The Reign of Our Eucharistic King is at hand! My Son, Jesus is coming soon! Prepare your hearts and souls to welcome Him! Your soul, your heart must become a spotless golden chalice empty and ready to become a perfect dwelling place for God to dwell! A walled garden filled with the most precious and perfect flowers and fruit! I love your open hearts, My little ones. I have many titles, I am one mother, 
Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests. 

My priests are My Hands in this world. My sons, to the world you are a shepherd, to Me you are My own little lambs. You are the flock that I shepherd. Come home to Your Mother! I love you! I love you! I love you!"

End at 3pm. Received by Claire Rose. 

December 31, 2016, Saturday