Fifty-Ninth Visitation of Our Lady
February 28, 2004 Priest's Saturday Last Saturday Theriot, Louisiana
Claire Rose wrote:
Today is a beautiful day! The weather has been great since Ash Wednesday. The work on the outside bathrooms is coming along good. The pond is almost finished and we hope to put the goldfish in soon. The native oranges are perfectly sweet with just a hint of tartness now that a few frosts have passed. The first trees to sprout in spring have leaves and the daffodils & paper whites are blooming. Our Mother has been here since early this morning. She said that pilgrims would begin to arrive after 10. My husband blessed in and outside of our home with Holy Water. Our Mother has taught us that it is important to bless ourselves and our home often with Holy Water. Today we are blessed with a holy priest who arrives early to hear Confessions. We are also blessed by the presence of three Religious, one holy nun and two holy Brothers. The presence of these four who have given their lives for Jesus and for us give us much courage to persevere in the mission that God has begun here. In our daily lives and struggles we encourage one another to persevere. By teaching us the importance of each person that God has placed in our lives we truly begin to see Jesus in each one. In this way God is showing us how important it is to encourage our beloved priests often and always in love. Their ministry is much more difficult than ours could ever be. When we feel pulled in many directions or feel that all we do seems not to matter or we feel discouraged or tired, that no matter what we do someone complains, perhaps in a SMALL way we are experiencing the daily trials of a priest. In this way when we offer our suffering for them we help them by the Grace of God to carry their cross. Somehow in God's great plan we help to ease their burdens and lighten their load. This plus our encouragement and love somehow gives them the courage to continue to minister to us, our families and all of our brothers and sisters. We all serve God by truly loving one another. At this time our beloved priests need us probably more than any other time. In the press we only hear about the few who have sinned grievously. We do not hear about the many thousands who are faithful. We must love them all. We must forgive those who have gone astray as God forgives us our sins.
At 1:45p.m. We prayed at the Cross with the children. As we prayed three Hail Mary's Our Mother came. She is in a beautiful white dress. There are lots of little jewels on Her dress like clear beads, like water drops. Her veil is like a bridal veil. "My precious, precious little children, I love you! I love you! I love you! Thank you My little ones for coming to pray with Your Mother." Our Mother is reaching over and touching each one of the children. "My blessed children I give you My own Heart. I give you My Heart, My Heart of Love. I want you to love one another. It is so important, My little ones, your prayers for priests." Again Our Mother holds out to us the Rosary of Light. "I come to bring you love and hope, My children, hope for a better day, a brighter future. Trust in My Son Jesus." I then see Jesus. He is standing all in white with His Arms wide open to us. A golden Light surrounds His Head. Jesus comes closer and closer. Our Mother continues: "Turn to My Son Jesus with your whole heart. Love Him with your whole soul, your whole mind, and your whole heart. I love you My children. I love you. I love you. I love you." Thank you Blessed Mother. "Thank you My children. Thank you My children. Much grace will be given to you today. Much Grace. I beseech you My children to increase your prayers. Spend more time with My Son Jesus."
2p.m. I blessed the rooms and everyone present with Holy Water before we began the 20-decade Rosary.
First Joyful Mystery the Annunciation Our Mother Spoke: "Please announce that I am present. I am here with you My children. Many will feel My presence today and some will see Me." Our Mother came as Mother of Divine Love. I saw Her Immaculate Heart exposed. It beat from flesh to gold as She spoke. Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta and St. Theresa the Little Flower were with Her. My husband later shared with me that he saw Our Mother and Mother Theresa.
Second Joyful Mystery the Visitation Our Mother continues:
"O My beloved children of America and of the whole world I love you. I come from Heaven to plead with you all to turn away from sin and to turn with all of your hearts to My Son Jesus. Do not wait any longer for you have delayed long enough. I love you. O my beloved children I love you so much. I have come to earth, to this little unknown place to warn you, to call you to your senses, to call you to conversion. Be converted My children. Repent of your sins. O My children I call you to be holy and pure in your hearts, in your bodies, in your souls. I am here to help you My beloved children."
Fourth Joyful Mystery the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple Our Mother: "Turn to Your Mother while it is still today. I love you. I love you. I love you. I bring to you the fire of God's Love. My children you will be held accountable to My beloved Son Jesus for all the wrong that you do. O My children pay attention, be alert for the evil one is out to destroy your souls. He is out to destroy our Church, our beloved priests and My children he is intent on destroying your nation and all it has been built upon. Heed My words, My children, heed My words. My Son Jesus intercedes constantly for you. But My children Our Father has enough. The cup of iniquity runs over. Do not close your minds and your eyes to what is going on all around you. I plead with you all to turn away from sin and turn to My Son Jesus and to Me Your own Mother with all your hearts. Pray without ceasing My beloved ones. Pray for holy priests and Bishops to lead and guide you to holiness."
First Luminous Mystery The Baptism of Jesus Our Mother: "Pray that My priests will speak out for Truth, for My Son Jesus. Pray that My Bishops will be holy and that each one will be renewed spiritually for the times that are upon you now. Yes My children, now is the time. Pray for your bishops every day for they shepherd not only you My children, but they shepherd the shepherds in their charge. I love you all My children. As I have warned you before My children of America, this year is crucial to the very survival of your nation. May it become again one nation under God. When a nation abandons God and makes a mockery of all that is good and holy it cannot survive. Our Father has been very patient with you because of the many who are holy and who work tirelessly for the Kingdom. I love you. I love you. I love you. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray more and more. Much sacrifice is needed My children."
Third Luminous Mystery The Proclamation of the Kingdom, Our Mother: "Pray and sacrifice for holy priests. Where the shepherds go the flocks will go. O My children the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Be alert. The great war I have warned you about is here at your very doorstep. The war is all around you. Look around. The great war between good and evil rages all over the earth. The prize of this war is your soul My children. O My children you must pray for Our priests. This is most important. When you pray for Our priests you pray for yourselves and your children. Pray for them and encourage them. If you realize that you are in a battle, each one of My priest sons is in a war. The evil one tries many times a day and especially at night to bring them down, to destroy them. Many of you have been called for years now to pray at night, all night for your brother priests. My children the very core of Our Church is constantly bombarded by evil. God will never abandon His Church. I will never abandon Our Church. The very gates of hell have been opened against Her, but satan and all his minions will not prevail against Her. Your prayers and sacrifices weaken him My children. Persevere in holiness. Your prayers and your sacrifices do make a difference and evil will be defeated. Persevere even under trial. Persevere especially under trial."
First Sorrowful Mystery The Agony in the Garden Our Mother asked me to kneel and pray. Our Mother: "I will ask more of you. Take one day at a time. One step at a time." I experienced in a small way some of Jesus' Suffering. I felt forsaken, abandoned, alone. My heart hurt so much I thought it would burst open. I was pushed forward down three or four steps into a dark place. My face hit on stone. Later I could hear the sound of the whip and I could feel it wrap around me. I felt no pain, only blood flowing and burning. I could hear the crowd jeering and laughing. When the crown was pushed on my head I felt pressure and blood dripping on my head and face but no pain.
Fourth Sorrowful Mystery, The Carrying of the Cross
Jesus Appeared before me all in white. His Sacred Heart is Exposed. Jesus Speaks:
"The head of the serpent WILL BE CRUSHED! Remember My beloved ones, My priest brothers are weak, broken, wounded human vessels. You must forgive them their faults, even their sins in the same way that I forgive you. No sin is too great to be forgiven. Be compassionate as I am compassionate to you. I love you. I love you. Out of Love for you I suffered and died. Out of Love for you. Yes, out of Love for you. So My beloved ones, LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU. Giving even your life for another if it is required of you. I love you. Battered and broken upon the Cross I loved you and I love you still. I begged for you then, 'FATHER, FORGIVE THEM.' As I plead now for you, 'FATHER, FORGIVE THEM.' I will never forsake you nor abandon you. Though all may leave you, I shall never leave you for I love you." These words pierced my heart for I was still feeling so alone.
First Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection of Jesus
Jesus continued: "Love one another as I love you. Love especially My brother priests. Love them especially My own loves, for the good of your souls. Remember a good and holy priest gives his life for you. And if you pray you will have good and holy priests. That is My Promise to you from the depths of My Sacred Heart of Love. You never walk alone My bride, for I walk with you. I walk within you." I saw a bride walking alone in a long hallway that became the main aisle of a church. The bride was walking toward a beautiful white and gold altar that looked like a wedding cake.
Second Glorious Mystery, The Ascension Our Mother speaks to the priest who is present: "My beloved son Emile, I love you. You bring joy to My Immaculate Heart. Thank you for your faithfulness My son. Your reward shall be great in Heaven. When it is time for you to come home My son I will come with many holy angels and priest Saints to carry you. I am in your heart My son, My priest and you are in My Immaculate Heart. You were chosen to be the first priest to receive a physical healing here in My little chosen place. Many more will follow in your footsteps My son. Many have already been healed in their souls because of the faithful prayers of My children. I love you My son with all of My Heart and I thank you. You have touched many souls in your life as a priest My son. Many are in Heaven now praying for you and with you. Your parents and grandparents are with Me. Be assured of their continued love. Thank you for coming early to hear the Confessions of My children. They love you very much My son as I do. Walk in Peace My son, you are wrapped in Your Mother's softest Mantle. I love you.
My beloved priest sons, I call. I call. Where are you My sons? Where are you today? Make an inventory of your life My sons. Does everything that you do lead you to a deeper Union with My Son Jesus? Are you doing all that you can to lead others to Him? By your example as well as your words My sons? You must live the Gospel that you preach My sons. Others follow your example more than your words My sons. I love you. I love you. I see inside your hearts My sons. Some of you bring Me great joy, some of you pierce My heart over and over. Yet I love you. O how I love you! Especially for you My beloved priest sons I come here, as in no other place. A most unlikely place My sons, chosen for you. There is great wisdom in all that God has planned. Speak out for My Son Jesus in all that you do. Know that I am with you until the end My beloved ones. Know that I love you. As never before I call you to holiness with much hope. I thank you for praying with Me today and I bless you as I depart. I love you forever and ever. Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love.
My children, prepare your homes: Make an altar in honor of My Son Jesus. Keep Holy Water. Use it often. Have Blessed Candles in your homes. Place a small wooden cross over your outside doors. Place a Blessed Palm over your doors. Wear your Scapulars. Pray your Rosary with your families. Place Blessed Holy medals on your property and in your homes. Have Blessed Sacramentals in each room of your homes.
The movie, The Passion of the Christ, was inspired by Heaven. It was blessed and inspired to counter the evil in films that is rampant on the earth. It is part of the Renewal of My Son's Church, part of the 'New Springtime' that is here even in the midst of the darkness of winter, a Light in the Darkness."
Our Mother then spoke to a priest who is ill, "My beloved Father Shannon, I love you." Our Mother then made a new request of us: "My children, I ask each one of you to bring one of My messages to one priest. This will begin the next part of My Mission here."
End of Claire Rose_________________
February 28, 2004 in Theriot, Louisiana Leslie Therese` received: Our Mother spoke: "I hear the whispered prayer in your hearts My children. Your burdens have now become Mine. I carry each of you within My Immaculate Heart. You are safe here My children." As Our Mother speaks I see Her dressed all in white with a Crown of blood red roses. She is also carrying some roses. I see roses floating down the front of Her dress. Our Mother points to Her Heart. We are all in Her Heart. I can see all of us like a picture or film inside Her Heart. Our Mother continues: "My children, My children I am so thankful to you for praying with Me for My sons. My priests. My Heart aches for them. Pray. Pray. Pray My children. Pray for My priests. I love you with all My Heart My darling faith filled children. Oh how I love you. I bless you today as I do each month with all of My Love and Peace. I send each new person here home with a special Angel of Protection. I bless all marriages and children of these. You who are parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles be careful what you teach My little ones. You were taught to be respectful and kind to others. Teach My little ones in the same way. At the same time teach them to pray especially for others. Teach them of the Love of My Son Jesus. Teach them of ALL that He gave to and for the world's people. Yes He gave His Life and continues to do so. I love you. I love you. I come here only in Love. My Son has much for you to do My children. Listen for My Call to you. Some of you will hear Me today and know that it is Me calling you to the Love that Heaven wants to share with you. All of Heaven prays with Us today. Open your hearts and eyes to this special Love and Peace that I give to you here. This day marks a new beginning. The Fire of My Love will spread even further and many more of you will bless Me by coming here to pray. Come My children, come and pray with Me. Understanding of all that has happened here will come in God's Time. I bless you again My children with My peace and My love. For I love you more than you know, more than you can understand."
Then Jesus Spoke: "My brothers and sisters I am here also. At My Mother's Request I come to you. I can refuse Her nothing. You will see much good by the prayer you give for My brothers, My priests. I bless you all with My Love. Come and feast at My table. Come and join in this celebration. Open your hearts to My Mother for She will lead you only to Me. Do not be afraid to give your Heart to Her for where She is so I Am."
Our Mother Again Speaks: " Give your Hearts to Me, My Children I will hold you in My Arms. I cannot and will not let satan have you for I will crush the head of the serpent who thinks he will have My
children. You are Mine trust in Me, trust in My love, trust in the Love of My Son Jesus. Your faith My children is like a beautiful beam of light shining from earth to Heaven. I see each beam each month as you gather together to pray for My Priests, My Sons all around the world". (I see the earth as Our Mother speaks. I am taken over the earth and I see rays shining out from it to Heaven from different places all around. From Canada, the United States; especially Louisiana, California, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Mississippi, New Mexico, Texas, Ohio, Missouri, Maine, New York, Montana and other states. Also Mexico, Africa, Asia, India, Europe and as I am over one of the Oceans I see a small beam of light going up to Heaven. Someone is praying with us in the middle of the Ocean.) Our Mother continues: "To My Religious present and not present, My daughters, I am with you each day My children as you pray and go about your daily deeds. My Eyes are upon you daily as you struggle, so do I. You My darlings are precious to Me. I thank God for you each day. To have been blessed with you, leaves Me complete and whole. My sons, My special little brothers M. and J., I love you both My sons. My little M. again I see you. Again I hear you speak to My children in the Languages of the world. Continue blessing My children in this way. My darling J. My good son"(another Brother of the same Order) "has sent you to Me at last. Thank you My son for coming. I have seen all that you have done in your lifetime for My priests, My sons. I am a grateful Mother. I love you My son and ask only this of you. Continue to pray for My priest sons. Call on Me and pray for My Intercession when ever you are in need My son and I will be there. O how I love you My son. You have blessed My children here today by coming. Welcome home to you My son. I love you.
To all my precious Religious in habit I thank you each time I see you My children. Thank you also for wearing your habits as a sign of your faith and devotion to My Son Jesus. You will be blessed someday as you come to Me in Heaven to see the many faces of My children that have been touched by this devotion. I love you My children. To those of you who have left your habits behind, come take up your cross again and I will walk with you through your journey. At times even holding you with My Son Jesus. You will never be alone again. Come My darlings, come back to Me. Walk with Me. Go to confession My daughters and sons, then again take up your cross and walk with Me. I love you.
My most precious E., again I am blessed to see you My son. I have been with you in all that you have done. I bless you with renewed strength and love for My Son Jesus. I see you as you work with your brothers and I see you as you tell My children of My Presence here in this little place in Theriot. I love You My Son. Thank you for hearing My children in Confession again this visit. Bless My children as you leave My son. Take up Holy Water and bless the Churches of My children. Oh My sweet E. I see your Love for Me and I will someday take your hand in Heaven and present you to Our Lord, for We are
Truly blessed by your faith. M-Finally the world will know some of what My Son Jesus suffered for them. I pray that all will see what you have done for My Son Jesus as I have. K-I love you My child. She is here with Me today. L-Continue to come to Me in prayer. And I will continue to bless you and your family."
T-Do not feel guilty for not being able to come. I see what you do for your family. Soon My child all will be well. Trust! For Everyone: My children, My children make peace in your lives. Keep peace in your hearts. Pray, Pray, Pray. Give and do all that you can for each other and take care to watch over your children. Pray for My priest sons. Pray with and for your families. Love one another and share this love with all you meet. Pray for your enemies. Pray for those who do not believe or have faith in My Son Jesus. Ask God to forgive them all and someday bring all to Heaven.
Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love"
End of Leslie Therese`_______________
February 28, 2004 Last Saturday of February Priest's Saturday
Received by a bride from another area, Lin
This month I am in California. There were just two of us present to pray today. We started praying around 2:15 p.m. I invited all the Holy Angels and Saints and Souls being made holy in Purgatory to pray with us and for us for Holy Priests. I invited Our Lady under all Her titles to pray with us and for us for Holy Priests. Said the beginning prayers and then started the 20 decade Rosary for Priests. I was feeling bad about starting late to pray and Our Lady said, "Child of grace, do not worry about starting late."
The first Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation
Our Lady says, "Announce that I am here. I am with you My children, I am with you! I love you. Oh! How I love you. Thank you for answering my call to pray for Our beloved priests."
The third Joyful Mystery, the Birth of Our Lord
Our Lady says, "Oh! My children, I call more and more of you to pray for Our beloved priests. Where are you? Are you listening My children, are you listening? I come for you My children. I come to ask you to look in your hearts and see what you need to clean out and let go of!"
The fourth Joyful Mystery, the Presentation of Our Lord
Our Lady continues, "It is Lent My children. Prepare yourselves for the Resurrection of My Son. Repent and go to Confession and get yourself ready to receive My Son in the Eucharist. Open yourself to all the grace that is available to you in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion."
The fifth Joyful Mystery, the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
Our Lady continues, "My Son Jesus waits for you My children in the person of the priest in the Confessional. Rid yourselves of all sin on your precious souls. I love you My children, I love you. My Son Jesus loves you. All of Heaven prays with you for Our beloved priests."
The first Luminous Mystery, the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan
I see Our Lady gently kiss each person present on the cheek and then She smiles at us. She is our Mother of Divine Love. She is most beautiful. She is dressed in a cream color.
The second Luminous Mystery, the Marriage Feast at Cana
Our Lady now walks softly among us. Her garments move softly in the breeze. She is without Her Crown. She says, "My daughter thank you for your obedience in writing."
The third Luminous Mystery, the Proclamation of the Kingdom
Our Lady says, "Oh! My children, pray for holy seminaries. Pray for your seminarians to persevere. They need your prayers My children to persevere."
The Fourth Luminous Mystery, the Transfiguration
She continues, "Oh! My children, pray for your brother priests who are holy. Pray for them to stay that way. My priest sons, pray for your brother priests and your flocks. My Son Jesus waits for your hearts to be open to Him so He can enter in and live in your hearts. He can't come in unless He is asked because of your free will. Ask and you shall receive My children."
The fifth Luminous Mystery, the Institution of the Eucharist
I see the devil cringing as we pray the Rosary. I have seen this before. As we continue to pray the Rosary he hisses and leaves completely. Our Lady smiles and says, "You see My child how he hates the saying of the Rosary, especially out loud. What a weapon you have My children, what a weapon you have in your possession to fight evil. Use it frequently! Use it frequently! I love you My children, I love you!"
The second Sorrowful Mystery, the Scourging at the Pillar
Our Lady continues, "Oh! My children, I am with you in a special way today as you pray for your priest brothers. Lent is a special and holy time for you to look at your hearts and use your prayers, works, joy and sufferings for holy priests, for priests who have strayed and are on the wrong path. Oh! My priest sons who have strayed, come back to Me, come back to My Son Jesus. He waits for you with open arms. He loves you My priest sons. He needs you to teach His children about Him and how much He loves you. You have given Him your first yes! Conversion of heart daily is your second and next yes. Pray My children for your brother priests to have daily conversion of heart. Pray for yourselves to have daily conversion of heart. This is what will keep you on track."
The third Sorrowful Mystery, the Crowning with Thorns
Our Lady of Divine Grace is here. She is now Our Lady of Guadalupe. She holds out her hands to us with a Rosary in them. It is the Rosary of Light. The beads look like moving water with a light behind each one that radiates light out to all of us.
The fourth Sorrowful Mystery, the Carrying of the Cross
Our Lady continues, "Oh! My missionaries who suffer greatly I see your suffering. I see your pure hearts struggle to do what is needed for your fellow man. You not only sow the word and Sacraments of My Son's Church, but you also act charitably toward those in need."
The second Glorious Mystery, the Ascension
Our Lady continues, "Oh! My daughter I love you. Oh! My children from all over the world, thank you for coming together today to pray for all Our priests all over the world at My request. Thank you for answering My Call."
The third Glorious Mystery, the Descent of the Holy Spirit
She says, "Special blessings come to all who have gathered all over the world today to pray for our beloved priests, and blessings go out to all you meet. Tell others about this Mission of Mine and Jesus to pray for Our beloved priests. Encourage others, My children, to pray for priests."
The fourth Glorious Mystery, the Assumption of Mary into Heaven
I see large crowds of people praying all over the world for priests. Our Lady says, "These are all My children I have called to pray for you My priest sons. Do not squander all these graces especially for you. Many, many, many of My children are praying for you My priest sons. Many! Many!"
The fifth Glorious Mystery, the Coronation of Our Lady in Heaven
Our Lady says, "Oh! My priest sons, Oh! My Religious, Oh! My children, I love you! Thank you for answering My Call. Many, many blessings come to you today.
Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests."
End of a bride from another area. ___________________________