Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity

One Hundred and Thirtieth Visitation of Our Lady

January 30, 2010         Last Saturday of January        Priest’s Saturday         Theriot, LA

Claire Rose writes: Today is a beautiful day!

Our Lady says, “Announce that I am present with you!
Oh My Beloved priest sons and all of My children, I love you!  I love you!  I love you!  My own little remnant I love you!  I am guiding you to holiness and wholeness.  I encourage you to persevere in prayer, for through your sacrifice, your suffering and your prayer, the Most Holy Blessed Trinity is renewing Our Beloved Church from within.  Oh My Beloved children, I need you now more than ever.  I appeal to your hearts!”
Our Mother’s eyes were filled with tears.  Our Mother was wearing a white gown with a blue Mantle.  I saw Our Mother’s Immaculate Heart exposed!
Our Mother says, “Open your hearts My children!  Open your hearts more fully to Your Mother.  Open your souls, open your homes, open your lives to Your Mother.  Oh My children, reform your lives!  Remove from your lives and your homes all that is not of God!  My little remnant, God is counting on you!  I come to you in obedience to God Our Father, to Jesus, My Beloved Son, and to The Holy Spirit, My Beloved Spouse.  My own little remnant I love you!  I need you!  Pray More!  Sacrifice more!  This country and much of the world is up to it’s neck in the spilled Blood of the Innocents.  My children, the time of God’s Justice is upon you!  The Cup of Chastisement overflows, yet at the same time the Cup of Divine Mercy overflows upon you!  For 20 years now I have asked you to gather and pray, to set aside the Last Saturdays of each month as a Day of Prayer for My Beloved Priest sons!  Much has been accomplished in our Beloved Church, by Heaven, through your faithfulness to prayer, both seen and unseen, much more healing and restoration to holiness and wholeness is needed in the priesthood.” 

The sky had been very gray, but at that moment the sun came out!
Our Mother continues, “I encourage you to persevere through all the trials and tribulation.  I am with you My priest sons and all of My children.  I will never leave you!  I am with you now and will remain with you through the Darkness. The three days of darkness will come!  There will never be total darkness!

You must remember that My Son Jesus is the Light of the World.  Keep your hearts and souls clean and pure through Holy Confession.  Remember that your bodies are living Tabernacles where Our God dwells.  You are called and chosen to be Holy dwelling places, to bring Light into the darkness.  By virtue of your Baptism you are chosen children of God and I am Your Mother.  You are heirs to all that Our Father has to give.  You are heirs to the Kingdom ofHeaven!  Each one of you has a special place in My Immaculate Heart!  Oh My children, take My Words and My Love into your hearts and souls.  I have many Titles, I am one Mother, Your Mother!  I have come to this small and unknown holy place to ask your help!  My priest sons are My Hands in this world.  My Hands (My priest sons) are broken!  Please help Me to mend My Hands!  
You help Me Your Mother by offering your prayer, your sacrifice and your suffering for My beloved priest sons and for more holy priests.  Yes My children, My priest sons need your prayers!  When you pray for Our priests, you are praying for yourselves and for your children.  Our priests have given their lives for you My children!  Can you do less for them?  Where would you be without a priest?  Consider My children, where would you be without a priest?  They are chosen from among all men to offer sacrifice for you My children!  You must do the same for them in Thanksgiving to God for His Gift to you, of and through the holy priesthood.  Each of My holy priest sons carries a heavy cross for you My children!  You must love and appreciate Our priests and support and encourage them through good works but most especially through your prayers and offerings of sacrifice and suffering!

Today I am accompanied by many Holy Angels and Saints, although you can not see them. 

His Holiness John Paul II accompanies Me today.  With Your Immaculate Mother he is the Foundation of this little Mission of Love for priests.  I have come here to begin this Mission in response to his prayer to Me, Mother of Divine Love in New Orleans and in other places.  I have prepared the hearts of those who receive and live these messages of Love for priests for many years.  Oh My children, I appeal to your hearts.  Continue to persevere!  I am with you and I will never ever leave you!  God’s Plan and Purpose for your lives is being fulfilled!  It matters not that you do not fully understand!  Only God sees the whole picture!  If you are mocked and persecuted for Jesus’ sake REJOICE, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven!

I bless all of your religious articles.  These must be blessed by a priest.  I bless you and your families and your parishes and Religious Orders!  Receive all that I send to you in kindness and peace.  Share what you have with one another.  I have come to teach you to love one another!  I have come to love you and by filling you with Divine Love, this Love in you will spread and multiply throughout the earth, for nothing is impossible to God!  I love you!  I love you!  I love you!  I call upon you to be gentle, kind and loving, as My Beloved Son Jesus is!”

I then pray, ‘O Jesus crucify my will!  I surrender my will to you!  May I always live Your Will!  O Jesus thank You for all you have done for love of me!  May I always live each moment for love of Thee!’

Jesus Speaks: “Let the little children come to Me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven!”
I saw Jesus!  He was big, bigger than this house.  He was in a cream color robe with a rose color cloak.  He was sitting by the Cross and surrounded by little children.  We were all those little children.  All was green grass around and many beautiful flowers.  The sky was blue, blue and there were many birds singing.  We were all so happy just looking at Jesus, and listening to Him!  So much Peace and Joy and Love I experience.  I feel like my heart will burst.

Our Lady continues, “My Beloved Priest Sons and all of My children, I love you all!  I see your wounds and your brokenness!  Each one of you here today was especially called and chosen to be here!  The gift I give to you today is Hope and Trust!  There are many struggles in your lives that you do not understand!  I ask you to place your whole Trust and Hope in the Sacred Heart of My Beloved Son Jesus!  Cast yourself and all that concerns you into the Ocean ofMercy, the Sacred Heart of My Beloved Son Jesus!  He is purest Love!  He is Divine Love!  Trust and Hope in Him!  He awaits your response to His Call!  Open your hearts and your souls to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, Divine Love!  Receive Him with a pure and clean heart and soul!  Receive Him with an open heart!  Ask and you shall receive!  Seek and you shall find!  Knock and the Door of Heaven will be opened unto you!  Seek first the Kingdom of Godand all else will be given to you!  Come with Your Immaculate Mother!  Come to Adore My Son Jesus!  Come to Worship and Adore Our God with Your Mother.  I will accompany you on your daily journey My little ones.  No matter what little thing you do I ask that you do it in purest love as an offering to God for My beloved priest sons.  Their hearts are being touched My little ones, persevere, for one day you shall all be with Your Mother in Heaven!  Ask Our Father continually for more holy priests.  Your prayers are being heard and answered by Heaven!  Persevere in holiness!  Thank you for your response to My Call!

            Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.

I have established a Holy Well of Blessed Water here and in Lafayette.  The Waters from these Wells are for the healing of body, mind and soul!”
End of Claire Rose ___________


January 30, 2010

January 30, 2010                     Last Saturday of January                                            Theriot, La
Leslie Therese` received:
Our Lady says, “My child, My child, Oh how I love you My child.  I have been beside you through it all, and I will remain so even into death, for after this shall you accompany Me through Heaven and as I walk and refresh the souls suffering in purgatory and also will you be at My side as I walk the earth to be with My children here.  I love you so much My little one.  Release yourself into My care, for no other will love and cherish you as I do. Remember you will never be alone, never will I abandon you, ever and to the ends of the earth I will defend you and protect you.  You are Mine and naught will come between a Mother and her children.  Pray, Pray, Pray, My child. 
My children, My children, I want to say thank you for coming and praying with Me today here in this little holy place in the Swamps of Louisiana.  Yes, I thank you My little ones because of your faith and your yes.  I love each of you, I know each of you, I know your hearts, minds, bodies and souls.  I know how very difficult life’s journey has been for you because you called to Me in prayer.  I have been with you in all that you do and all that you are.  When you suffer, so do I suffer.  When you are burdened, your burden becomes Mine.  I am here for all of you My children.  Come and be renewed and refreshed in My Love!  Come and rest in My Arms and I will wrap you in My Peace.  My Son Jesus shed His Most Precious Blood for you           My children.  He asks only that you live in remembrance of this price He gladly paid for you My loves.  Pray, Pray, Pray My children!  Pray for your priests, My sons.  Pray for their wholeness and holiness.  Pray that they come to Me here in body or spirit and call out My Name in prayer so that they can be renewed and refreshed.”
I see Our Mother in the window, then inside.  She is dressed all in creamy white with a lace veil.  She is kneeling and praying with everyone.  She is looking up to Heaven.  Heaven is with Her praying.  I see many Angels surrounding the house.  I see my grandparents (who died many years ago) kneeling in prayer.  I see many thousands of people and children all kneeling in prayer for priests.  Many Saints, St. Padre Pio, Pope John Paul II, the priest my Maw Maw used to watch speaking on T.V. in Black and Red Robes (Bishop Fulton Sheen), St. Therese`, St. Gerard, St. Gertrude and many, many more. I am made to know that they all are praying with us for Mother Mary’s priest sons, but they are also praying for us.  Imagine, they have given this moment of Heaven to pray for us.  Imagine!  
Thank you!  Thank you God for blessing Me in this way!
Our Lady continues, “My sweet and gentle Religious, you are so precious to Me and I love you.  Each moment as I share your day I am truly blessed by you to be Your Mother.  I love you My little ones.  Oh how very much you mean to Me.  You have always been a sign to My children that faith and love become truth through My Son Jesus.  Thank you again for wearing your habits.  Continue to pray for your brothers and sisters of the Orders.  I will guide you in this My little ones.   Know that you are truly gifts of love to Me and that I truly love you with all of My Heart forever.  You have led many children to Me through your faith and love and will be rewarded on coming home to Me.  All of Heaven is blessed by your yes.
P___, I see you My child and I know you have come to Me in spirit this day.   I am with you where ever you are My son.
L___, I see what you are doing My daughter and I am well pleased.  I love you little one.  Continue in prayer.
J___, Yes, it was Me Your Mother who led you here.  I was blessed by your yes.  Thank you My child because even when you were surrounded by naysayers you held strong in your faith and belief in Me.  I am Your Mother and I Love you!
Mr. J___, You My son have a most gentle and loving heart.  You have touched many with your life’s story.  My children are blessed by your goodness and honesty and I love you.”  I see Our Mother holding this man like a child in Her Arms.  She is crying and Her tears are falling onto this man.  This man then is replaced by Jesus.
Our Lady continues, “My Son Jesus has died for the sins of all.  By His Passion and Cross all are forgiven.”
It was made known to Me that because of this man’s life story that he shares with many, that many have come back to the Catholic Church.
Our Lady continues, “My children again I speak to you.  You have blessed Me in abundance today with your loving presence.  I bless you in turn.  As always I give My Loving blessing to all marriages and children of these whether by blood or love, and as before I bless each new person here today with a special Angel of Protection.  I give each of you My Peace, My Love, My Joy and My all.  I love you My children and because God Our Father has asked this of Me, I come to you here.  It is I who are truly blessed by coming here to you in this little Holy Place.  You are My children as I am your Mother, today and through all eternity.  Never ending!
T & R__, Do not grieve the loss of your former life.  This new life you will build is a new beginning for a stronger, more fruitful time.  I love you My children!  Oh how every much I love you!  I am here to guide you.  You only need call to Me!
All of you My little ones who live in sorrow and fear, come to Me!  Give to Me your burdens, leave all with Me!  Bless you!  Bless you!  Bless you My little ones.  From the top of your head to the soles of your feet I wash you in love, in My love!
A__, My son come home to Your Mother.  You and I have much to discuss.  We have much to do!  Keep it simple.  Do not let the world or it’s snags make My Words difficult to hear.  I am surrounding all in My love and protection today!
My Joseph’s pray with and for your families.  Bless your homes often with holy water.  Walk in My light and I will guide you.  Be honest and open in your faith with your children, for children learn by what they see and live by what you have taught.  If Love is shown Love is given in return.  Bless you My Loves, bless you!  My happiness, My Love, My Heart and My Son Jesus I give to you.  For where ever I am so resides My Son Jesus.  Welcome!  Welcome My children into Our Hearts!  Pray!  Pray!  Pray without pause for My priests, My sons.

            Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests, Our Lady of the Bayou.”
End of Leslie Therese`_____________

January 30, 2010         Last Saturday of January                    Priest’s Saturday         Theriot, LA
Received by a bride from another area, Lin
I am in Louisiana for this last Saturday.  Pilgrims started coming around 10:00 a.m.  Several people prayed the Stations of the Cross for the Souls in Purgatory.   Our Lady has been present since early morning. Around 1:00 p.m. we prayed the Chaplet of Divine Love for Priests. We started the 20 decade Rosary for Priests around 2:00 p.m.
Our Lady speaks, “I am praying for C------, little one!”  Thank you Mother Mary!  Our Lady continues¸ “I am praying for his precious soul little one!  You are to do the same!”  
Yes¸ Mother Mary!  Our Lady continues, “Little one, L-----­­­­­­­­, will be healed!  Tell her I love her and I am asking her to bear this at this time! And I am with her!
Oh My children, My religious, My priest sons, I love you! I love you all!
W­­--, and P----, I hold you in My Heart and My Heart lives in My Son Jesus’ Heart.
J-----, I love you!  Thank you for all you do for Me! I thank you for your love!
Oh My children¸ Oh how I love you!  I love you all.  I bring with Me the Most Holy Blessed Trinity.  Open your hearts to all the Graces and Peace and Love I bring you on this special day!
N-----, I love you!  You are Mine!  You belong to Me!  I have plans for you!  Do not be afraid!  I am with you!  
A-----, You are going to be O.K.!  I love you!
C--------, I love you!  Continue your prayers My little one.  Be good for your Mom and Dad.  Tell them how much I love them.
Oh My priest sons¸ I am here for you!  My children come here on the Last Saturday to pray for
you.  Open your hearts to all the Grace and Peace and Love that is coming to you from this Mission of Love for the Priesthood!  I love you My special sons!  I love you!  I love you!  I love you!
Oh My children, I join all the prayer groups all over the world into one group. All your prayers are joined together and rise before the Throne of God as incense of love coming from your hearts, your precious hearts.  It is most pleasing to the Most Holy Blessed Trinity.  Much, much Grace and Love come out to you all!  And from your praying hearts goes grace and love to the priesthood.
Oh My priest sons, I pray for you to be holy and stay that way!
Child of grace continue to write!”
Our Mother is here as Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.  On her Head is a Crown with 7 points.  At the tip of each point is a small cross.  On the front of the Crown is a Chalice.  The Eucharist is suspended above the Chalice.  Out of the Eucharist come golden rays of light to each and every person present.  Our Mother says, “The golden rays are Grace and Love coming out to my children all over the world!”
I am taken to a place of great peace and love.  I am not sure how long I am there.  The Rosary is prayed in several languages by a holy brother.
Our Lady says, “Oh My priests and religious, how I cherish your presence at My prayer groups.  I thank you for wearing your habits.  My children need this witness of your love for My Son Jesus and I.  I thank you all!
Touch the person behind you.  That person is receiving a healing.  Touch the person next to that person!  Tell her I love her.  I hold her family in My Heart!
G-----, I love you!  You are doing My work!  Continue your work in My Son Jesus’ Name!
My children this Mission of Love for the priesthood will grow and grow!  Yes, it will grow beyond what you can imagine!  From this Mission much healing is happening yes, within and without the priesthood. 
 Priests are becoming holier and holier. Oh My priest sons when you are holy, your flocks will be holy.
Oh My sons you are to be good examples to your flocks.  You don’t know how powerful your examples are!
Please hold this knowledge in your hearts.  It is a grace in itself.
My child, thank C------ for his prayers.  He is praying for you.”  Thank you Mother Mary.
”D-------, I love you!  I have much work for you to do for Me.  You do it daily My little one.  I love you!
Tell your sister Claire how much I love her!  I am with her.  I hold her in My Heart. Tell her she is safe there!
Oh My children who have come from far and near!  I see your hearts!  Yes, I hold them in My Heart and My Heart lives in the Heart of My Son Jesus.  There (In Jesus’ Heart) is unending Love and Peace and Grace.  It is there for the asking!  Ask My children, ask!  My Son Jesus waits for each and every one of one of you My children.  Ask and you shall receive!  Always ask for My Son Jesus’ WILL to be accomplished in each and every one of you!  Oh My children LOVE abounds here.  LOVE beyond your understanding. LOVE unending.   LOVE! LOVE!  LOVE!  Open your hearts My children and receive all this LOVE!  Open your hearts so My Son Jesus can LOVE through your hearts.
Oh My children pray for your selves and your families to persevere in holiness.
T----, I love you!  R----, I love you!  I am with you! Persevere! You will be surprised at what you accomplish!
K------, I love you! You are Mine! You belong to Me! 
A----- and M------, I love you!  I see your struggles.  Ask My Son Jesus to strengthen and heal you and remember, anything is possible with God!
A­­­----, I am with you!  I hear your prayers. Persevere little one, Persevere!”
I now see wheat! Bushels and bushels of wheat! I ask Our Mother what this means and She says, “More and more priests!  With more priests you will have more and more Eucharists.”  Our Mother then shows me a large Chalice with Eucharists pouring out of it and going all over the world.  Our Mother says, “When the Eucharist multiplies and is distributed more from more priests in the world, grace increases all over the world for you My children!  Oh My children, My religious, My priest sons, My all, I thank you for coming to pray with Me for Our beloved priests at My request.  You will see the priesthood multiply because of your prayers!  I thank you My children!  I thank you My religious!  I thank you My priest sons!
            Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests, Queen of the Bayou.”
Rain, fine rain seems to be falling on each and every soul present.  Our Mother says, “Oh My children, that is grace, Divine Grace!  Oh My children I am with you in a special way today.  Open your hearts!  I wish to pour grace into each and every one of your hearts.  The more your hearts are open, the more Grace and Love I can pour into them.  I love you!  I love you!  I love you My children.  You all have a special place in My Heart.  You bring joy to My Heart.  I love you!  I love you!  I love you!
Oh My children today some of you have come for the first time.  I send home with you a special Angel of Protection.  You will get home safely.  Tell your friends and neighbors about this Mission of Love for the Priesthood and ask them to pray for priests and for vocations.  I love you My children!  I love you!
D----, I love you!  You are My special son!  As you pray for priests, I pray for your family.  I love you!
Brother R------, I love you!  Thank you for coming to pray with Me!
Brother M-----, I love you!  I thank you for all you do for this Mission of Love for the Priesthood!
My dear sister E----, and sister R-----, I love you!  Thank you for being here!  I wait for you each month.  You do much work for Me!  Thank you for your ‘yes’!  I thank each and every one of you present, praying with Me, all over the world!  I love you!  I love you!  I love you!
Thank you My daughter for writing!”
Many Holy angels and Saints and Souls in Purgatory are with us.
Our Lady continues, “C------, and C----, I love you!  My Son Jesus is with you and yes, with J-----!
G---, I love you!  I am with you!  T-----, I love you!”
End of bride from another area. ________________

January 30, 2010, Saturday