One Hundred Thirty-Fifth Visitation of Our Lady
June 26, 2010 Last Saturday of June Priest’s Saturday Theriot, Louisiana
Received and written by Claire Rose:
Today is a beautiful day! Our Mother has been speaking to me for three days about today’s message.
We are blessed today by the presence of a holy priest and four Religious, two Brothers and two Sisters. Father heard Confessions. About noon, some of us prayed the Stations of the Cross and Chaplet of Divine Love for Priests. At 2 p.m. Father offered Holy Mass. Our Mother of Divine Love was present throughout Mass without Her Crown. After Mass, Our Mother asked us to pray the Joyful Mysteries. She asked me to please announce that She is present with us. I did.
Our Mother Speaks: “My Beloved and Precious Priest Sons and all of My Children, I love you! I love you! I love you! I have come to you here in this small and unknown place to open My Immaculate Heart to you! This is a small place like Bethlehem was! O My children, My Heart is filled with love for you all! I have spoken Words of Love to you here. This is a Mission of Love for My Beloved Priest Sons!
A Wellspring of Grace, a Floodgate of Grace has been opened here, never to be shut!
My Immaculate Heart Triumphs here, for I have called to you and you, My Priest Sons and all of My Children have responded to My Call to you! My Beloved Children, I love you ALL so much! My Immaculate Heart is comforted by your faithfulness to My Beloved Son, Jesus.
My Beloved Priest Son, Mon petit J’ai taime! J’ai taime! J’ai taime beaucoups! I thank you as I heal you, My precious priest son.
My Precious Religious Brothers and Sisters, I love you! I love you! I love you! You bring joy to My Heart, My little ones. You bring comfort to My Heart for all those of your Orders who have gone astray. Continue to pray faithfully. Continue to persevere in holiness and wholeness. The ‘New Springtime’ is on the horizon.
My Beloved children, I love you! I love you! I love you! I am a loving and gentle Mother who loves you most tenderly.
O My broken, wounded Priest Sons and ALL of My Children, I take you into My Immaculate Heart. Consecrate yourselves, your families, your homes, your parishes, your Dioceses and your country to My Immaculate Heart. O My Children, one day you will understand this more fully.
My Beloved Priest Sons and ALL of My Children, I want to thank each one of you for coming today to pray with Your Mother. I carry you and your families in My Immaculate Heart. I carry your Petitions to My Beloved Son, Jesus. He will give these to Our Father.
My Children, I have tried to gently prepare you for the time when My Visitations to you will come to an end. This will be soon, My precious little ones. I will continue to guide you and My Mission here will continue to grow and flourish throughout the world!
I ask that the Last Saturday devotions in August be held in Lafayette at the place of the Well of Holy Mary. Many, many, many miracles have occurred here in Theriot in these many years that I have been with you. Many healings have occurred at the Well of Holy Mary and there is much more blessing to come. Blessing in abundance.
In September on the Last Saturday, I will be with you in Larose.
My Last Visitation to you will be here in Theriot on the Last Saturday of October.
A special gift will be given you on this day.
I will continue to Appear and speak to My daughters until they are safe in Heaven with My Beloved Son Jesus. I will continue to bless you with more healing and many miraculous cures, especially My priest sons. I love you all, My Beloved Priest Sons and ALL of My Children. I love you ALL!
I have many Titles, I am one Mother, Your Mother,
Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests”
End of Claire Rose__________
June 26, 2010 Last Saturday of June Theriot, Louisiana
Leslie Therese` received:
During Holy Mass at the end of the Gospel, Our Mother spoke:
“Prepare a place for Me, My child. Am I welcome? I ask again, Am I welcome? Look close and deep into your hearts, your minds, your souls.”
At the end of Holy Mass, Our Mother continued:
“Do not be confused by My question to you, My Children. I want you to know the importance of My Visits to you here. You are among My people, My little holy people. All have been made welcome here in this little holy place in the swamps of Louisiana. Prepare yourselves for what is to come…
And in doing so, place your full trust in My Son Jesus and in Me. I am the Protectress of ALL of God’s children for I have made you all My own and I love you. All that you do in honor of Me is seen by Our Father, God as a declaration of your love and belief in Our Son Jesus.
O My children, how very much I love you.”
Our Mother asked me to mark Her next words in a special way.
“I will miss always My Visits here as I have been openly and truly blessed to be welcomed in much honor and grace. I will leave a peace-filled embrace to all who seek Me here. I love ALL of you, My little ones. Continue in prayer daily for My priest sons. Give all that you can. Pray and Fast! Pray and Fast!”
“To My Religious (Brothers and Sisters): O My sweet beautiful little doves who hold My Heart so dear- - I love you and thank you for your ‘yes!’ I adore the way in which you have given your all for My Son Jesus! You, in your habits, who go about your daily duties and prayer, I am with you each moment. There is nothing that cannot be healed through prayer in the Name of My Son Jesus! O how very much I love you as do My children. Continue to pray for your brothers and sisters. As you seek My Face, My Love, My Heart, My Words…as you do this I give you My ALL!...”
“Father Simon and Father Dean, Oh My Precious Ones, J`ai taime! J`ai taime! You are both My Heart. You have never even thought to refuse Me. O how very much I love you! Rest in My Love for you. Rest in the love My children have for you. Look and see how they pray for you. Look and see all they give and suffer for you My sons. You have truly blessed My children. You have truly blessed Me, Your Mother. Be renewed and refreshed in the love of My children praying here for you and also in Me. I wash you clean and renewed here. You will begin anew! Thank you again for hearing My children in Confession, Mon Petit Amoure.”
“M-Mac, Yes, I am here for you, My child. Begin in prayer for My priests. Begin to give your ALL to Me here in this I ask of you. Any and all prayer is meaningful and brings blessings to those, who in real faith accept what God has chosen.”
“Everyone, especially L. I am with you, My child. Give to Me all of your burdens and fears. Don’t you know that you are held in the Arms of Your Mother and in the Palms of Your Father’s Hands? And that you reside in the Heart of Our Son Jesus? Fear not, for I am with you always. You, My children have truly blessed Me with all you come to Me here with. And I love you ALL!
Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests”
End of Leslie Therese`____________
The Most Holy Blessed Trinity
June 26, 2010 Last Saturday Priest’s Saturday California
Received by a bride from another area, Lin
We prayed the three Hail Mary’s for priests as the children do in Theriot, LA
We started the 20-decade Rosary for priests around 2:00 p.m
We invited Our Lady under all Her Titles, the Holy Angels and Saints and the Souls being made Holy in Purgatory to pray with us and for us for Holy Priests and for Vocations to the priesthood.
Our Lady says, “Please thank C------ and C---- and J----- for opening their home for Me and preparing for the prayer group to pray in their home. I send blessings upon them. Tell them I love them.
Announce that I am here!
Oh My children thank you for coming to pray with Me for all of Our priests. I join all the groups all over the world into one group of prayer for priests. I love you My children! Oh how I love you all!
Oh My priest sons pray for your brother priests. Pray to be holy priests and to stay that way! Remember, holy priests have holy flocks. Your brothers and sisters are praying for you here My beloved priest sons, here in this Mission of Love for the priesthood.
My daughter thank you for your obedience in writing! Oh My little one public messages will become shorter and shorter. My precious children I love you all! My children I have come to you on each Last Saturday to love you and to encourage you to pray for Our beloved priests. They bring you Jesus My Beloved Son. They give you the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. They give you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus! When you receive Jesus you become living tabernacles of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity, as when you receive Jesus, you receive the Father and the Holy Spirit. Open your hearts My children and receive all this grace that comes to you! I love you! I love you! I love you! You don’t have just Jesus! He is always accompanied by the Father, Our Father and the Holy Spirit.”
The room is filled with Holy Angels and Saints and today with the Holy Souls in Purgatory. This is a very special gift. LOVE pours out to you all, all over the world. Open your hearts My beloved children! Open your hearts and receive all the Grace and Loveand Peace, Peace and Love and Grace beyond your understanding.”
Our Lady of Guadalupe is here. She stands just above us, Her Hands outstretched to us. She prays with us. Out of Her Hands come rays of light. She says, “The rays of light are Grace coming out to you all, yes, all over the world. I love you! I love you! I love you all!
Oh My children, My religious, and My priest sons the public messages will end soon. I love you! Listen to Your Mother! I hold you all in My Heart and I place you all in the Heart of My Son Jesus! Remember He is without limits.”
Our Lady is here under many Titles. Some I know and some I don’t know. Our Lady comes as Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests. She has Her Crown on with the seven points, and yes there are small crosses on the points of Her Crown. Our Lady says, “Oh My children, pick up your crosses and follow after My Son Jesus! You have been given the grace to do this! Try My children and you will be surprised at how well you do! I love you! I love you! I love you!
A-----, thank you for praying with Me! I love you My daughter. As you pray for Our priests I pray for your family.
M---, I pray for your family also. Persevere My daughter with your prayer life. We, Jesus and I are taking care of you.
M-----, My daughter thank you for your faithfulness to Me and to this Mission of Love for priests.
M----, I love you! I see all you are doing for Me. Continue your good works. I am praying for your family as you pray for Our beloved priests.
C-----R---, and B----, thank you for your years of service you have given to Jesus and I so freely for the entire priesthood. We love you Our precious ones.
P---- and W--, and family, thank you for the Well of Mary. Thank you for your openness to Jesus and I. Thank you for sharing your land with Us. Thank you for your hearts each and every one of you! We (Jesus & I) love you, each and every one of you!”
Our Lady of Sorrows is here. She is all in a deep blue mantle and gown. There are tears in Her Eyes and the Tears are running down Her Cheeks. Her Hands are clasped over Her Breast. She says, “Oh My youth some of you are taking the wrong paths. Wake up My youth, wake up! Life is short and eternity is for ever! Get back on the right path! The path that brings you to My Son Jesus! He waits for you My youth! Open your hearts to Him! Let Him bring you back on the right path. The path to holiness and wholeness! Wake up My youth! Wake up! I love you! I love you! I love you!
Oh My children, My religious, My priest sons, thank you for coming to pray with Me for the entire priesthood. I love you! I love you! I love you all!
Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.
Thank you My daughter for your obedience in writing at My request. All My children, I LOVE you all! C-----, L-- and S------, the public messages will end but Jesus and I will always speak to you until you are home with Us in Heaven. I hold you and your families, yes, your entire families in My Heart! I love you! I love you! I love you!
Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.”
Later: 6/29/10 10:00p.m.
When typing this Our Lady said,
“Continue your last Saturday prayer groups where ever you can.”
End of Lin, bride from another area______________