Blessed Mother's Promises
Promises of Our Lady
given to Claire Rose on May 28, 1993
"To those who pray for My priests faithfully I Promise that each will receive:
*Many graces from My Immaculate Heart;
*A deeper conversion through repentance;
*Deepest peace;
*The gift of Love.
*Those who offer their body as a living sacrifice for My priests will receive deepest union with the Holy Blessed Trinity, My Father, My Son, My Spouse, and salvation for the whole household.
*The Last Saturday of every month is a day to be set aside to pray for priests."
May 31, 1993 Feast of The Visitation
"Promises to the priesthood: (because of your faithful prayers)
For My Shepherds, My Priests,
*Many will experience a holiness in numbers never before seen in the priesthood.
*Many will experience deep conviction of sins and deeper conversion.
*They will come to know the Truth without a doubt.
*Many will be saved from eternal death.
*Some will be snatched from the door of hell in the final hour.
*Many will be released earlier from Purgatory.
*Gift of graces will be given to the priesthood beyond anything you can imagine."
To one who has offered herself as a victim soul for priests: "My child, your surrender is complete. You need never worry about anything. We surround you in complete love and peace. A flock of angels surrounds you. I am the First and Only Pure Spouse, the first Bride of The Most Blessed Trinity. My bridal veil and mantle cover you and all those who are dear to you. Many priests will be saved because you said yes. Holiness will prevail among My Priests, My Shepherds as more and more will join you in prayer, an army that will cover the earth to restore My Priests to holiness. Many of My Priests will surround you; they will protect and defend you. Never worry. We are at war. No longer is it a battle. We are at war with the evil one, and satan wants to destroy My Priests."
(By this She means not just priests who are loyal to Her, but ALL priests.) " My Priests are My Hands. He (satan) will stop at nothing to destroy My Priests. Pray, Pray, Pray for Holy Priests. Prayer will release tremendous graces from Heaven. A door has been opened never to be shut again. My Son has enough. My Father has taken all He can take. This is a final outpouring of LOVE and MERCY on the EARTH. The prophet Ezekiel spoke of this time 'that many would be led astray by the Shepherds.' I love you. Mother of Divine Love."
June 3, 1993 3:00 P.M.
Our Mother said, "The Mission to pray for priests is the mission nearest (dearest) to My Heart."
Last Saturday May 27, 2006
This was given by Our Lady on May 27, 2006 to Claire Rose At the first Luminous Mystery, the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan “The monthly Last Saturday devotion shall consist of the Day to be set aside as a Day of Prayer for My beloved priest sons and for more vocations to the Holy Priesthood. I ask for a 20-decade Rosary to be prayed with others whenever possible. When this is not possible the Grace bestowed will be the same.” At the second Luminous Mystery, the Wedding Feast at Cana “I also ask that in the space of three days, Friday, Last Saturday or Sunday, a holy confession, attendance at Holy Mass, reception of Holy Communion, all offered for My priest sons and for more vocations to the Holy Priesthood. If these devotions are kept and offered in love for three consecutive months, I promise you will not suffer eternal death. My children, I bring you Love and Peace. I ask you to live in love and in peace with all. Welcome all those I send to you.”