October 27, 2001 Priest Saturday Last Saturday of October
Claire Rose received.
Thursday, October 25, 2001 Our Blessed Mother asks that I share this with everyone.
I was mopping the floor of the smallest bedroom of our house. It was the first chapel in our house in 1987, when this little mission for priests really began. The reason I was cleaning the room and mopping it was because I was waiting for two guests from France that Our Lady was bringing to us for Her Visitation on the Last Saturday. As I mopped, I received a phone call. Two priests were planning to come on Saturday and with the phone call I learned that one of them would not be coming. My heart just dropped. I left the mop & water all over the floor and I walked to the Bayou side, as I often do when I have a particular problem to discuss with Our Lady. I said to Her, "Blessed Mother, something has to be wrong with me. The priests are not coming, and I just feel that it's my fault and maybe we ought to just close everything down here and maybe You need to go and Appear to someone else who could do a better job for You than me." I just walked away from the Bayou side and back towards the house. A minute later I was sorry that I "quit" & told Our Mother that. I offered this suffering that I'm feeling, this feeling of failure, I offered it up for priests. Our Mother was totally silent about this until Friday morning when I walked to the Bayou side with a group of pilgrims who are here from France, California and South Carolina. Our Lady appeared a few minutes after we were on the Bayou side. She came as Our Lady of Guadalupe, I saw Her full-length. Then I saw Her Face, close up. She was sad. Then She let me see very, very clearly, Her left eye. And it was filled with tears. I felt so bad because I felt I was the cause of Her Tears for the few moments I had quit on Her yesterday. She is so good to me, how could I ever quit on Her even for a moment? Then She spoke, "I cry because of the state of My Church. I cry because of the state of the souls of my Priest-sons. I thank you for praying for them and for the sacrifices you offer for My Priest-sons. I need you, I need you. You cannot see the good of your prayers and sacrifices. Many Graces are given you. These Graces go through you to my Priest-sons." Then I saw Our Mother, very beautiful, above us who were praying for priests. Below Her I saw those of us who are praying for priests. I saw Light and Grace come from above Our Mother, through us. Under us, somehow, were all the priests of the world and they were receiving the Light and Graces through us. In the Order of the Church, the priests are above us, but Our Mother used this means to help us understand how our little offerings help priests. Our Mother said, "I will never abandon you. Please do not abandon Me. Persevere, persevere, no matter what comes against you. Persevere, I love you, I need you, and I thank you."
Friday night in our Chapel a small group of us from Louisiana, California, South Carolina & France were praying a Rosary for priests. Our Lady came with Padre Pio and St. John Vianney, the Cure` dArs. Both the priests were smiling broadly at me. I wondered why they were smiling. Then I understood that they, too, had "quit" their own little missions several times in their lives. When I received this understanding, their eyes twinkled as if to say, "Yes, we understand! We are with you." This comforted me. Our Mother showed me a small dish of medals that are in another room and She Spoke:
"My beloved children, I love you. I have blessed these medals with an extra-ordinary blessing. Share these medals. I do this for you in Thanksgiving that you are here, in thanksgiving for all you do for Me. I love you all with all My Heart. This is your gift for today. Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love."
Saturday, October 27, 2001 Today is a beautiful autumn day here on the Bayou. It's a clear, cool breezy day with blue skies and fall colors everywhere. The wild flowers, goldenrod, purple aster, blue puffs, white and purple marguerites, bright red cypress vine and gold daisies abound! The wild wax myrtles are blooming abundant white all over the woods and swamp. The wild holly is bright red, yet still has green leaves that will soon fall. The cypress trees are turning rust color and the money trees dot my world with every shade of bright red, orange and yellow. The roses in my garden are bursting forth with bouquets of every color. It is a glorious time of year and even the grass on the lawn and weeds along the fields and road are filled with seed and turning from the brighter shades of summer green . I am filled with much Peace today. I have accepted the fact that maybe no priest will come today, yet Peace fills my heart. The pecans are ripe and falling all around and the oranges are almost ready to pick. Pilgrims began to arrive early. My husband blessed in and around our house with Holy Water.
Our Mother and Jesus gave me a Message in the morning to be read to all this afternoon.
Singing began at 1p.m. At 1:45 Our Mother asked me to call all the little children to meet me at the Holy Cross for Priests to pray. She asked me to bring the dish of medals that She blessed last night. Today more little children have come than ever before. I asked all the children to pray with me to Our Mother for holy priests. I told them that is what we do here. I invited Our Mother to come to us under all Her Titles. I thanked Our Mother for Visiting us here. We prayed "Hail Mary's." Our Mother came human size. She was very beautiful. She was dressed in a pink dress with a blue mantle and a white veil. She opened Her Mantle very wide over all of the little children. She Spoke "My dear little children, I love you. Open up your heart to Me. I love you. I love you. Thank you for coming today. Please pray with Me for holy priests. I love you. I love you. Today I bless these medals for you. I love you. I love you." I then see Our Lady go to each child and She touches each one on top of their heads as She opens Her Mantle and covers each one. Our Mother continues: "Please, My children, when you pray the Our Father, when you pray the Hail Mary, when you pray the Glory Be, please pray slowly. Each one of you, please take a medal. The rest of the medals are to be shared with everyone. As a special gift to you today, My Son Jesus is with Me." I then see Our Mother all in white standing right in front of us and Baby Jesus is in Her Arms. She is holding Him out to all of us. Baby Jesus is facing us and He is reaching out His little Arms out to us. Our Mother continues: "Baby Jesus is reaching out to all of you because He loves you all. Pray for all the little babies that are aborted. Pray for all unwanted and mistreated little children. Today we must remember all our little brothers and sisters who are suffering from war. Pray for those who are cold and hungry. Learn to love everybody no matter what color they are, no matter where they live, no matter what country or church they belong to. They are all our brothers and sisters. I love you. I love you. I am blessing you and your families. Please remember to pray for holy priests. I love you. Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Lady of the Rosary, Mother of Divine Love."
Just after 2pm, Our Mother asked me to bless myself, our house & all those present with Holy Water. We began the Rosary for Priests with the Sign of the Cross. I invited Our Mother to please come and pray with us and for us. I then invited all the holy Angels and Saints and the souls being purified in Purgatory to pray with us & for us as we offer this Rosary & Prayers for priests. Three holy Religious are present.
At the First Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation, Our Lady came all in white. She asked me to announce Her Presence. Her Mantle was very, very full. She came as Queen of Divine Love, with Her Crown. She was accompanied by multitudes of Holy Angels and Saints. Our Mother opened Her Mantle and She allowed me to see beyond Her Mantel and under Her Mantle. What I saw were many, many priests, as far as I could see. Our Lady said, "These are priests that are still on earth, that have been helped by your sacrifices and sufferings since the beginning of this Mission of Love." She is so kind to me, so filled with Love. Even with all the times I have failed Her She continues to Love me. This was a great comfort to me and filled my poor heart with joy. I clearly understood that She was speaking to all of us in this little mission.
The Fifth Joyful Mystery, the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple. A little child was leading the mystery. I was brought back to a time when I was a little child perhaps 7 or 8 years old and I used to lead the Rosary and the Litany under the oak tree at mamma & pappa's house. Every May and October we would always have the 5:00 Rosary at our house for our little neighborhood. I understood the importance of teaching children to pray.
As the Sorrowful Mysteries began, Our Lady began to cry. Her Tears were like diamonds. They flowed continually from Her Eyes. She said over and over, "Embrace your cross, kiss your cross." During this first Sorrowful Mystery, I saw many priests in Heaven. These priests are in Heaven, as a result of our persevering in prayer, many were released early from Purgatory. Our Lady is showing us this today to encourage us to persevere in prayer for priests.
Our Lady then said, "A priest is present today, but he is not in priest's clothes."
Then, Jesus began to speak. He said one sentence to me during this Mystery,
"Walk this Way with Me." I experienced a little bit of what He experienced in the Agony in the Garden.
During the 2nd Sorrowful Mystery, the Scourging at the Pillar, Jesus continued, He said,
"The world, and those in the world, did not recognize Me My bride. Most will not recognize you, My beloved bride. Count this as a blessing and a gift." I believe that Jesus was speaking to the whole Church.
At the 3rd Sorrowful Mystery, Jesus continued, "Rest in My Arms, My beloved. I love you." He's speaking to all of us, not just to me. "Rest in My Heart, My Bride." Jesus stood directly in front of me, human-size. He held out His right Hand to me, and He took my right hand into His. He held my hand, and then He kissed my hand. He asked me to write His Words.
At the 4th Sorrowful Mystery, The Carrying of the Cross, Jesus continued, "Walk My bride. Walk this Way with Me. Walk along with Me, the best is yet to be. I love you." With each step that I took along side Jesus, together we took a step, closer to martyrdom. Jesus continued, "Embrace your cross. Kiss your cross. I love you. I help you to carry your cross. Will you help Me? Will you turn away from Me?" During this Mystery, as I walked along side of Jesus, I saw Jesus being hit on the Head, and I felt the hit on my head. I saw that Jesus was slapped in the Face, and I felt the slap in the Face. I saw Jesus being mocked and spit upon. And His Precious Face was covered with blood, with sweat, with tears and with spit. And yet He was carrying His Cross and going forward. He could not even wipe His own Face. The angels came and wiped His Face. Jesus continued to speak, "Even though you fall, I will raise you up. Walk on, walk on, stay with Me, My bride, until the end. Until we can say together, 'it is finished' and I can say to you: 'Come in, come in,' as I embrace you in My Arms. 'Come home, well done, good and faithful servant. I love you. I welcome you into Myself.' " For a time I was gone.
The 1st Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection, I felt like a new person. Our Lady said, "I will strengthen you and give you much Grace and all the courage that you need each day to persevere. Look beyond this world, you will see Heaven." I bowed my head, I humbly submit. Help me to be always in humble obedience.
The 3rd Glorious Mystery, The Descent of the Holy Spirit, the big picture of Jesus seemed to 'come alive' and Jesus was blowing kisses to everyone. I've never seen Him do that before. Our Mother was filled with joy as She looked at each one here. (To the Religious Brother present) "My own little brother, I love you. My Heart leaps with joy at your love for Me."
Throughout the Rosary I could feel waves of Love from Jesus and Our Mother like an ebb and flow of the tide. At times it was so strong I felt like I would fall over.
Everywhere I looked, I saw Jesus in a golden Monstrance, all over. Light, much Light was coming from Jesus in the Monstrances. Our Lady said, "My Heart is overjoyed today by all My children's presence. I love you. I love you all my little children. If you would sincerely pray and fast, a war can be averted in a short time. By this Christmas there will be good news, IF you will pray and fast without ceasing. Let the Holy Rosary be your weapon of Love and Peace."
"My own delicate Rose, I treasure you."
"The child's ears will be healed. The child's eyes will be healed. The child's heart will be healed."
Our Lady's Words to us from this morning, Saturday, Oct. 27, 2001. "My Beloved priests and My children, My Church is in the eleventh hour. Remember, it is always darkest just before the dawn. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray and do penance My beloved little flock. Another great war can be averted if you will listen to My Cries to you. My beloved children of this whole world, listen to Your Mother. You have entered into a place of utter destruction and desolation. A place from which there is no return. I call. I call. So few respond. Please, I beg you, My beloved children, do not let My Call to you go unheeded. A storm of darkness is about to come upon the earth. A storm, the like of which the earth and My children, have never seen. My Son, Jesus, has sent Me to warn you. My Son, Jesus, has sent Me to call you back to Himself in Love. When My Son walked upon this earth, many recognized Him and followed Him. Yet, many turned away to seek their own pleasures. Many others failed to recognize Him. They did not take the time to listen to Him and just walked away to follow other gods. False gods, gods of their own making."
"My children of America, your shores have been invaded in a way that you can clearly see. A way that is visible to you and this has hurt and shocked you. This invasion has made you angry. There are times when anger is justified, like the time when My Son discovered corruption and desecration in His Holy Temple. Then He cleaned and cleared the Temple, the Place set aside to worship His Father. At the Appointed time, His enemies plotted against Him and using others, they desecrated and destroyed the Life from His Precious Body. My Immaculate Heart was nailed to the Holy Cross with My Son. He is My Son, and the Son of God, Our Father, His Only Son, My Only Son, Jesus, the Christ. He is the Truth, the Way, and the Light. He is the only Doorway to Heaven. I come to bring all My children to My Son, Jesus. I come to call all My children to Truth, to Reason. I come to call My children to come Home to safety. My Arms and My Heart are open to you, all of you, My beloved children.
The great war, the great storm of tribulation is upon you. Only much prayer and sacrifice, much fasting can avert and lessen this time of suffering. Be converted My children. Be converted. Repent of your sins. Return to holiness. Be imitators of My Son, Jesus. Be carriers of Peace and of Justice. Be messengers of Love.
In the past, an evil tide invaded your shores. Invaded My Son's Church. Invaded your souls and you failed to see. You failed to act, to clean the filth when it was ankle-deep. So it soon deepened and grew worse, taking many innocent lives and many souls into the deepest part of Hell. And in a short time, evil grew and multiplied. Many times, mocking good. Mimicking that which is Truth. For even in the false prophets, there is a small grain of Truth. Deception is not always clearly seen.
My beloved children, at this time, I plead with you to pray and offer sacrifice for your true leader on earth, My Chosen Son, His Holiness, John Paul II. He is assailed from every side, from within and without the Church. His very life is in gravest danger. Your prayers, your fasting, and your offering of suffering and sacrifices do make a difference."
"The war, the great storm that is upon you is a war between good and evil. It is a war for your souls My beloved children. You must choose, My children, you must choose to live a simple, and holy life, or to continue in the ways of the world.
I plead with you today, as never before, come Home to Your Mother. Come to My Son, Jesus. Seek forgiveness, and keep a repentant heart. The ways of the world will carry you away from all Truth and your souls will be lost forever. You must choose, My children, choose Life Everlasting with My Son, Jesus, and with Me, Your Immaculate Mother, or choose eternal death in evil.
Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Offer sacrifice. Fast for holy priests to lead you. For holy and courageous priests to speak Truth to you about the condition of your souls. Do not continue in your evil ways or you will be lost forever.
My Priest-sons, parents, grandparents, My Religious, I speak to you all, let your life be a living example of My Son, Jesus to all. Live Holy Lives, your actions speak louder than your words. Live in peace with one another. Live in Holy Love. Clean out the temple of your soul. Live the Commandments of Love. Perfect Love will rid the world of all sin. When Perfect Love comes into you, the imperfect will be washed away.
You must repent. Reform your lives to be transformed to holiness. When you will live true holiness, a wave of Love will sweep the earth and all sin will be banished. Once again the earth will be renewed and restored to a true and lasting Peace.
I will never abandon you My beloved sons and My children. Please do not abandon Me.
This is a time of great Grace, a time of greatest Mercy, a crucial time. Return to holiness and much famine and desolation can be averted. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your homes. Prepare your souls for the Coming of My Son Jesus.
Pray for the Eucharistic Reign of My Son Jesus, that His Sacred Heart of Divine Love may be Adored and Worshipped in every place by all of My children. Where He dwells, where He is Present, the Holy Blessed Trinity is, all Three Persons, Our Father, One with My Son Jesus and One with My Beloved Spouse the Holy Spirit. Three, yet One. Where My Son is, I am there in Adoration, always accompanied by many Holy Angels and Saints. I love you. I love you. I love you. This message I desire that you read today, My daughter. I love you. I love you. I love you. Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love."
Jesus then spoke, "Suffer the little children and let them onto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
My beloved brother priests, concern yourselves not with the things of this world. Concern yourselves with the condition of your soul and the souls of your brother priests, the souls of My beloved Sheep placed in your charge. That is to be your concern, the spiritual state of My Church. I weep over the state of My Church. My Mother weeps with Me, for We are One in a way that many of you do not understand nor acknowledge. My Shepherds, you are accountable to Me for the condition of souls placed in your charge. This is what I desire of you, My Shepherds, My Brothers. Why have a beautiful Church building when My Shepherds have gone astray? When they no longer speak and teach Truth to My little ones? One who has gone astray and has no Truth in him cannot teach or speak Truth. Multitudes are being led astray. Many flocks are falling downhill led by unholy Shepherds. They are an abomination to Me. They are wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. I have come to rescue My beloved sheep. I have come with My Mother for the good of My Shepherds and for the good of My sheep, My own little flocks. I have come with My Mother. My Mother has come before Me at My Request, to call My Shepherds and My sheep back to a safe pasture beside the still waters.
Come, My Shepherds, come to Me. Come to Me through My Mother and together we will restore and refresh you. Together, We will renew your body and your soul to wholeness and holiness. Come, come to Me and be healed. I await you. My Body was torn to pieces for Love of you, My Shepherds, My sheep that you might have Life, Everlasting Life with Me. I love you. I call you. Return to Me. Return and be saved and your flocks will be saved. Saved and brought to a safe enclosure.
The Father, My Father and I are One. The Holy Spirit and I are One. We speak with One Voice. As the Father has sent Me, so I send you, My Shepherds and My sheep.
My Mother, My Beloved Mother speaks for Me. We speak with One Voice. We Love with One Love. She is Your Immaculate Mother. All I have, I give to Her. All I have, I offer to you through My Mother. All Grace comes to you from the Throne of Grace, My Sacred Heart of Divine Love through the Immaculate Heart and Hands of My Mother. Even to those who do not know nor acknowledge Her as Mother. I love you all. Return to Me while there is still time. Your Savior. Your Bridegroom. I am Jesus, Living Son of the Living God. I am Divine Love. Come to Me. I am the First and the Last. Alpha and Omega. I Am."
Our Mother speaks, "My beloved children. I love you. Return to My Son, Jesus, quickly. Do not look to the left or to the right. Be concerned about the condition of your soul. Be concerned of the condition of the souls of your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren, your sisters and your brothers.
Be converted NOW. Do not worry about worldly things. Cease your endless chatter about worldly things. Be still, pray, pray, pray, pray.
The time is NOW!!
Pray and fast, be reconciled to God and to one another. Pray for holy priests to lead you, to guide you to holiness. Be still, listen for My Voice. I desire to speak to your hearts. Pray for Peace in your hearts, peace in your homes and peace will spread from house to house. I love you. Ask your priests to Consecrate your parishes to My Immaculate Heart. Consecrate your hearts, My children, consecrate your families and your homes to My Immaculate Heart. My Love and My Peace will purify your hearts, your families, your homes, and your parishes, for the Love and Peace I bring to you is the Divine Love, the Divine Peace of My Son, Jesus. Love one another with My Love, the Love that flows through My Immaculate Heart from the Divine Heart of Love of My Son, Jesus, who is Divine Love.
I love you ALL, let My Love permeate your souls and your lives.
Just as Divine Love flows from My Son, Jesus, through My Immaculate Heart to All, open your hearts, let Our Love flow through you to others and Divine Love will return to you a hundred fold.
Humble yourselves before the Throne of Divine Love." I see a gold Chalice with a pure white Host suspended above it on a gold Throne. "Seek forgiveness, I will be Your Advocate. I am Mother of the Word Incarnate. I am Mother of all Hearts. I come to you wherever you are. Call Me, I am there. Meet Me on the Bayou side, or near the river's bank. I will take you by the hand, in your sinful state to the Divine Heart of Love of My Son, Jesus.
Meet Me at the foot of the Holy Cross. I am here with you, awash with the Blood and Water that continually flows from the Divine Heart of Love of My Son, Jesus. Come to the Throne of Divine Love.
Divine Love dwells in all the Holy Tabernacles of the whole world. Divine Love comes Alive in the simple bread and in the simple wine. Divine Love comes to you, My beloved ones, through the anointed hands and heart of My beloved Priest-sons.
Divine Love, the Sacred Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of My Son, Jesus, always there, waiting, waiting for you. Be cleansed, My beloved children, all My children, My beloved Priest Shepherds and all My little ones. Run and be cleansed. Wash yourselves in the Holy Sacrament of Cleansing, Merciful Love, Holy Confession. Be reconciled to My Son, Jesus. It is the Sacrament of Peace. Let your souls become white and pure again, as little children. Come; come with open and clean hearts to receive into the Temple of your souls the Sacred Flesh and Blood of My Son, Jesus. End all the desecrations." I understood in a deep way, the Our Lady meant the desecrations of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist by unholy Priests and Communion Ministers and also by anyone who receives Jesus in a state of serious sin. She also meant the desecrations of abortion, the desecrations of sins of the flesh, sins of the mind, sins of the tongue. Our Mother continued "My children, My beloved ones, end all the desecrations, and let Me help you to clean out the Temple of your souls. I love you. I love you.
Your Mother, Mother of All, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love."
This is the longest public message that I have received.
A small child saw Our Mother when She was speaking with the children near the Cross. On Saturday night a child who was staying in our house heard a voice say, "I love you." Our Lady told Lin & I that it was Her who spoke to the little child. When this child was about to land at her destination on her way home she saw Our Lady's nose, mouth and Her Hands over the city of Oakland, California. There was much Light coming from Our Lady's Hands.
End of Claire Rose________________
October 27, 2001 Priest's Saturday Last Saturday of October
Leslie Therese' wrote:
Our Lady's picture seemed to come alive.
Our Lady speaks, "I am the life that brought Light into the world for your salvation. My children, My children, thank you for coming today to pray with Me. My Son's priests need you more now that ever to pray for them. Offer all of your daily duties and prayers for them. Continue in all you do for Me and My Son's priests." I see Mary in a dark red or maroon colored dress with a white veil like mantle trimmed in gold.
Jesus speaks, "I came into this world to DIE for it's sinfulness. I was a true Sacrifice of the pure and unending Love that My Father has for His people. My children pray for Peace and forgiveness to come again in the world. If the Father can forgive then so must We. My Love has always been in the world. Do not lose Faith, it will always remain."
A child is leading a Mystery. Our Lady says: "Pause and pray with the child."
Our Lady speaks, "The power of children's prayers can move mountains. Teach your children to pray. Teach them to pray for priests and for the world which is their future. Listen to the innocence in each word of prayer learned from you their parents and teachers. Remember your own innocence and pray with the heart of a child for your country and all of the people of the world. Pray especially for your enemies. Love and forgive them as the Father has done. Forgive their ignorance. I see and hear you My children in everything you do. Go to Confession often. Reconcile yourselves with God. He can and will forgive all if you come to Him with true and open hearts and minds to His forgiving nature, His Heart. Yes, even you can expect a miracle here today. You can walk away free from pain and sin. Come to Us in all your needs My children and you shall be washed clean and made new to go forth and spread Our Love to the world, one soul at a time. Pray, Pray, Pray for My Son's priests. Again I ask for they are in dire need of your prayers. I love you, My children and We are watching over you and your families. I will send each of you home with an angel of protection to guard over you and your families from evil." I see Our Mother walking about the house and outside touching people and smiling. She is wearing white. Her Mantle is pale blue and is flowing in the breeze. Our Lady continues, "I am giving the gift of Peace to My children who are here for the first time. Welcome My beautiful children. You see your sisters and brothers who come to Me each month. Yours and their faith in Me will inspire the world to Peace. We must continue to pray for priests as well as for Peace in this very trying and confusing times. Pray for My children who are fighting for justice. Lift the Rosary to Me." Mary kissed the Rosary in My Hands. It was a little Rosary that some ladies from Ohio had just given to me. Our Lady continues, "For each prayer said on this Rosary a baby will be saved from limbo. Send it home first with the woman who gave it to you. Then keep it for yourself. --======+++++++
My Religious how I love you My special ones. You show your devotion daily in your manner and dress. You are truly My Heart when I look into your faces I see Myself and My Son Jesus there.
Thank you for your goodness and Love for My people. Give me your burdens. You belong to Me My children. You were chosen by Me and by the Love of My Son to be here in this place this holy and blessed place. We are here for your renewal. You have much to do for Me My children. Many will look to you for guidance. Guide them to My Son Jesus. Guide them here to this blessed place. I am here for all to come to. I call this place home for all to come home to.”
To everyone: “Many blessings are being poured upon all here. I will bless all marriages and wedding rings and all of the children of these. I bless each child here with a special guardian angel of protection.
Sharon, I know your heart My child. You have been forgiven.
Jack, Yes I really am present here. Do all you can to let others know that I am here.
Lee, I hear your beautiful voice in prayer. You have touched My Heart by coming here in faith.
Joseph, I am calling you My son. Listen for My Voice.
Marcus, I am with you My son in all your pain still I see the beauty of Love in your heart for My Son. You have much to do for My Son. We Love you My new child”.
For Priests: “My sons where are you? Do you not know that I am here for you yet? I love you My sons. Take time each day for Me and I will relieve your many burdens. Come to Me here My Son’s priests at anytime. I am here for you always. Give Me all of your sorrows and I will make them My own and refresh and renew all of them. I will renew your bodies, minds, spirits and souls so that even the people of your parishes will know that you have been blessed to be in this holy place. I love you My sons. Come to Me here. I await your coming home to Me.
Jimmy, the truth will be revealed in My Love for you. Keep your family safe and pray for those against you.”
End of Leslie Therese’____________
Received by a bride from another area, Lin
I happen to be in Louisiana for this last Saturday. Pilgrims started coming at 10:00 a.m. It is a very beautiful day here, cool with a westerly breeze. We gathered the little children around the base of the 33 foot Cross at 1:45 p.m. to pray Hail Mary’s to Our Lady. She spoke to a sister bride with a message for the children. One child saw Our Lady but we didn’t find out until the next day. We had about 30 children present. We came inside to start the 15 decade Rosary for priests. The house was full of pilgrims who came here to pray for priests.
A sister bride blessed everyone with Holy Water, and invited Our Lady under all her titles to pray with us and for us. She then invited the Holy Angels and Saints and Souls being made holy in Purgatory to pray with us and for us for all the priests of the world. As she started the prayers for priests Our Lady spoke to me, “My child I am here.” I then see Our Lady sitting next to one of the Religious present and then She spoke again, “Oh! My daughters, Oh how I love you. Yes! My daughters, I am always with you. My precious religious who are still in habit.”
At the first Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation, I see butterflies being released, thousands and thousands.
At the second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation, I feel great great peace all around me. I feel Our Lady’s presence so strongly that it nearly overwhelms me. Our Lady then says, “Continue to write My child. My dear and precious children, My prayer warriors who have come from near and far, I love you. Thank you for answering My call to pray for our priest sons with Me. Thank you.” I am very aware of everyone around me praying. Our Lady continues, “Many healings are happening all around you and in you, so powerful are your prayers.”
At the third Joyful Mystery, The Birth of Our Lord, Our Lady continues, “Many priests will come from this mission. Priests that are holy and pleasing to My Son, who will bring many souls to My Son.” Oh! My Mother I feel great heat, yet it is cool outside. Our Lady speaks, “My Spouse the Holy Spirit is present giving many Graces to all present. Many, many blessings. Yes it is Me your Mother of Divine Grace. I bring many Graces with Me for all present and your prayers bring that Grace to all the world, Graces to all corners of the earth. Oh! My children, if you only knew how powerful your prayers are, you would never stop praying.”
At the fifth Joyful Mystery, The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple, Our Lady speaks, “There is one here who will receive a great healing here today and will serve Me until My Son and I bring him home to Us.”
Our Lady then spoke to the two nuns present who were in habit, “My faithful and holy and precious daughters. Oh! How I love you. Oh! How I hear your many prayers of adoration, thanks giving and supplication. Know that I am with you and I love you. You do not know all that your example does to all the rest of the world, especially those you come in contact with.”
“I love all the children. There is a little child present who led a decade of the Rosary who is special in My Heart”. Our Lady then spoke to the child, “Little one you will get to know Me better and better. Thank you for having the courage to lead a decade of the Rosary for Me. I love you.”
I see Our Lady of Divine Grace all in blue and white. She says, “I am changing before your very eyes to Mary, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.” Rays of light come down from above Our Lady and go through Her and out to all of us. I have never seen Her so beautiful before. Her Eyes seem to absorb all of us here into them. I don’t know how to explain this. It is beyond my understanding. Oh! My Mother Queen of Divine Love, thank you for so much love. Our Lady speaks, “Thank My Son for letting Me come to see you. He loves you so much. The Most Blessed Trinity loves you so much. Open your hearts to Them.”
At the second Sorrowful Mystery, the Scourging at the Pillar, Our Lady continues, “Oh! My sons, I weep for you. Look inside your hearts and if you need to change don’t wait. My Son waits for you to open your hearts to Him. He is ready and waiting for you to return to Him without reserve and without self getting in the way. The prayers being said for you on the Last Saturday all over the world have Graces waiting for you to use them. Choices! My priest sons, correct choices are all you have to do My precious priest sons, to change to the right path, the true path to My Son. Come to Me My priest sons and claim all these Graces and quit being afraid to be holy. Let go of what others think and stay true to My Son. Oh! My priest sons who are holy, I pray for you constantly to remain holy. My children, My prayer warriors are praying for you to remain holy. Have courage My priest sons, your example brings many souls to My dear Son. You do not understand how important your example is to your flocks. Look in your hearts and you will begin to understand. I love you. My Son loves you. Thank you for your love of us. Yes My children pray for My special priest Son, Pope John Paul II. At this time he needs your prayers more than ever.
Oh My children each and everyone of you who came today I have called. Thank you for answering My call. I pray with you My precious children. I bless all of your holy articles. I am pleased to see so many men here. Thank you for answering My call. Special blessings come to you today. My children you are receiving so many blessings from Heaven this day for all your prayers. It is impossible for you to understand how many blessings are coming from Heaven to all of you. You may bring these blessings to all you meet. They will be felt by all. Do not be afraid to share the love My Son and I give you with all you meet. Oh! My children, prayer can change things for yourselves, your country, now in great need and the whole world.”
At the first Glorious Mystery, the Resurrection, Our Lady says, “Your prayers make the darkness disappear.” I now see Our Lady, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests and with Her Crown on with the Eucharist above a chalice. I now see millions and millions of Eucharist’s going out all over the world. Our Lady now becomes bigger than the room and then bigger than the world. She encompasses all of us inside Her Heart. This is very difficult to describe. I cannot describe it in earthly terms. She protects us in a way so great, we cannot understand how great.
I cannot remember what mystery we are at as Our Lady has given us so much of Her Love I could only be with Her. Our Lady continues, “Oh! How I love the little children leading a decade of the Rosary. It is like flowers rising to Heaven with the sweetest fragrance and is most pleasing to My Son within the Most Holy Blessed Trinity. I love you all My children. Remember I am always with you.”
I now see Angels above us, all sizes and shapes. Our Lady continues, “My children, My prayer warriors, I send many angels to watch over and protect you in this perilous time. Call on them to help you. They are more than willing to help you. They see My precious Son’s Face constantly. Call upon Me My children to help you when you are in need and when you are not in need. I love you. Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.”
Our Lady is still very big and we are all inside of Her. She is so beautiful and so loving. She says, “Thank you My daughters for your obedience in writing as I have asked of you. I love you.”
End of bride from another area, Lin