Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity

One Hundred and Fortieth Visitation of Our Lady


November 27, 2010               Last Saturday of November             Theriot, LA


Received and written by Claire Rose:  Today is a beautiful day! 

We gathered today to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving for the 10 years of Public Visitations by Our Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests and for the gift of the Holy Priesthood.  Also on this day Our Holy Father has asked all priests and Bishops all over the world to offer Holy Mass for an end to abortions worldwide.  Included in this Mass of Thanksgiving are hundreds of petitions and intentions brought here personally and sent by mail from around the world.  At   11:00 a.m. Holy Mass was celebrated by our Spiritual Director, Fr. Dean Danos.  Confessions were heard before Holy Mass.  We are blessed today by the presence of one Priest, one Seminarian and four Religious, two sisters and two brothers, plus about 200 pilgrims.

Holy Mass was followed by a covered dish meal of Thanksgiving and celebration. 

Then we prayed a Rosary for our beloved priests.

During the Rosary Our Mother Spoke:

“My Precious Priest Sons, My Religious and all of My Children, I love you!  I love you!  I love you!  Lady of the Bayou, Patroness of Priests.  In December, the Last Saturday is Christmas Day.  The gathering of groups is left to each group.  I encourage each of you to spend some time in private prayer for My Beloved Priest Sons!  January is a time for new beginnings.  I encourage as many of you as possible to form new groups wherever you live or travel.  I will be with you.

Go back to the beginning of My Messages to you.  Take one each month.  You will see and understand that some of what was spoken to you has already come to pass.”

During the First Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation, I saw Mother Angelica’s face, young and filled with joy!  She had the same habit on that we are familiar with.

Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation, I saw Our Mother Eyes, filled with LOVE!  Then I saw Her Face, so beautiful.  She was in a white veil with a blue dress.  A rosary formed a frame around Her Face.

Third Joyful Mystery, the Nativity, I saw huge beautiful white wings.  I wondered ‘Is this an angel?  Or is it the Holy Spirit?’  Then I saw a person riding on the back of a pure white dove, a very big dove.  This person is glowing, smiling, shining and he waves at me!  My heart jumped, O it’s Wes!  “Yes, it’s me!” he said.

At the Fifth Joyful Mystery, the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple, Our Mother Spoke:

“I have carried your prayer petitions to Heaven within My Immaculate Heart.  Many souls have left Purgatory for Heaven during this month of Prayer for the Holy Souls.  On this day a flood of Heavenly Mercy opened the Gate of Heaven for many more poor souls.  Many Vocations to the priesthood were born because of your faithful prayers.  I thank you to all who began new groups today and those who will begin soon.  I will be with each group.  Thank you for multiplying My Mission of Divine Love for My priest sons.  I love you!  I love you!  I love you! 

Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.”

 I saw rose petals floating all over the earth spread from one rose at the Foot of the Cross.

I saw my Pappa’s face, close up and very clear.  I thought, ‘O Pappa I miss you!  Are you coming to get Charlie (my brother, who is ill)?’  Pappa called me by my baby name, “Yes, Cacare!  You will be the last one.  You still have a lot of work to do.”

 As I prayed with one of the sisters as I was telling her good-by, she said, “sometimes it’s hard to say ‘yes!’  Her body became a beautiful red rose, at the center a deeper red heart formed.  Then I saw a gold thread begin to weave itself to outline the heart!

End of Claire Rose______________

november 27, 2010, Saturday